本文记述了用化学诱变剂N—甲基—N′—硝基—N—亚硝基胍(MNNG)处理小角刺藻(Chaetoceros minutissumus)和纤细角刺藻(C.gracilis......
在高密度养虾生产中,水质的控制具有很大的重要性。通常作为对虾幼体饵料源的微藻——角刺藻(Chaetoceros gracilis),被用来测定......
本文介绍的研究项目就是为了探索对尚未充分利用的细棘长吻鱼(Macrorhampbosus gracilis,见(图1)进行统一定向、排列的方法.我们想......
Ⅰ.引言Clark(1946)在兔子切离一片股薄肌(gracilis muscle),转移成直角方向后又重新放回原处,用来观察肌肉组织的再生。根据他的......
一、历史回顾我国泥盆纪牙形类生物地层研究工作起步较晚,最早记述泥盆纪牙形类的文章见于70 年代末期(王成源、王志浩,1978)。不......
浙江常山黄泥塘达瑞威尔阶中的笔石分带近年来不断得到完善。自下而上为:Undulograptus austro- dentatus 带(包括 Arienigraptus ......
From 15 strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens 7 were selected as the best inductors oftumors on soybean and 94 tumor for......
于2002年4月至11月,对孟加拉Chittagong (南部)林区天然纯林和肥沃地人工林树种更新情况进行了比较研究。共设100个3m×3m的样地(......
本文记叙了淮北煤田太原组灰岩中的蜓类15属,62种及亚种,并建立一个蜓带Sphaerosch wagerina,二个亚带:1.Quasifusulina gracilis-......
The mycological flora of the Province of Brescia.Ⅸ contribution.The Authors presenta further list of the macromicetes ......
A well-preserved pterosaur with nearly complete skull is described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation at Sihetun......
On the basis of the faunas including conodonts Palmatolepis gracilis sigmoidalis, P. gracilis gracilis, Polygnathus germ......
共测制了 13条新疆塔里木塔克拉玛干沙漠中部和北部井下的奥陶系剖面 ,并在不同的相区发现了不同的牙形刺序列。在北部地区牙形刺......
Researches on Plants from the Lower Devonian Xujiachong Formation in the Qujing District, Eastern Yu
Fossil plants Hedeia sinica Hao et Gensel 1998, Huia gracilis Wang et Hao 2001 and Guangnania cuneata Wang et Hao are d......
To show paleontological characteristics of the Olenekian-Anisian boundary beds in the Russian Far East, a review of new ......
A comparison of the new specimen with the holotype of Eosipterus from western Liaoning Province indicates that Eosipteru......
Spatial and temporal variations of zooplankton composition and quantity distribution in the upper wa
This study aims to examine spatial and temporal variations of zooplankton species composition,density and biomass distri......
The management of recurrent pressure ulcers is a frequent problem in patients with spinal cord injuries. Many local musc......
A new species of Leptocycas (Zamiaceae) from the Upper Triassic sediments of Liaoning Province,China
A new cycad,Leptocycas yangcaogouensis sp.nov.,was found in sediments from the Late Triassic in western Liaoning,China.T......
Ordovician graptolite-bearing strata in southern Jiangxi with a special reference to the Kwangsian O
The Ordovician graptolite sequence of the Yongxin-Chongyi area in southern Jiangxi was suggested as a standard for the c......
近年来,辽宁个别地区曾发现用伞形科植物迷果芹(Sphalleracarpus gracilis)的干燥根充党参入药。今将二者鉴别分述如下。党参:呈......
党参又名东党参、潞党、三叶菜,为桔梗科植物党参Codonopsis pilosula(Franch.)Nannf.等的干燥根。具益气、补脾、生津之功能。早......
单梦尼夜蛾(Monima gracilis Schiffermuller)为行军夜蛾亚科、梦尼夜蛾属的一种害虫,加害飞廉属、排草属和柳属等植物。但是,据......
本文记述了1982~1985年采自福建稻田的潜根线虫属(Hirschmanniella Lue & Goodey,1963)7个种:H.oryzea、H.microtyla,H.caudacrena......
Rice root nematodes, Hirschmanniella spp. parasitize in the roots of rice and water plantspread widely. Ten species of t......
作者详细描述了华南上石炭统莫斯科阶-卡西莫夫阶界线附近的牙形刺序列,由上而下可划分为:Streptog-nathodus gracilis,St.cancell......
藤三七Boussingaultia gracilis Micrs Var. pseudobaselloides Bailey为落葵科肉质小藤本植物,为了解藤三七核酸含量情况,特作如......
Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2014,53,9539~9543Gracilamine是2005年由土耳其学者ünver等从纤细雪花莲(Galanthus gracilis)中分离得到的一......
Chemical analysis,antimicrobial and anti-oxidative properties of Daucus gracilis essential oil and i
Objective:To evaluate the essential oils(EO) composition,antimicrobial and antioxidant power of a local plant,Daucus gra......
Solenites (Czekanowskiales) from the Late Mesozoic Jehol Biota of Southeastern Jilin,China and its P
Situated at the easternmost area of the Late Mesozoic Jehol Biota, China, abundant fossils, including invertebrates, ver......
本文描述了采自湖北宜昌远安真金和界岭剖面奥陶系牯牛潭组顶部的牙形刺,它们有Baltoniodus prevariabilis,Drepanoistodus venust......
描述产自浙江常山205国道剖面上奥陶统砚瓦山组的牙形刺,主要有Baltoniodus alobatus,B.variabilis,Periodon aculeatus,Dapsilodu......
Among the specimens of Leptomysim (Crustacea, Mysidacea) collected from the northern part of the South China Sea by the......
Two new species of the asteroid family Ophidiasteridae are described from two specimens collected by commercial fishery......
Taxonomic composition, abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton in the Zhelin Bay—an estuary with in
The Zhelin Bay is an estuary that supports intensive aquaculture in South China. Aside from traditional nutrient inputs ......
根据一件产自云南罗平中三叠世关岭组II段的新标本并结合产自相同地点和地层中的模式标本对纤细滇美龙(Dianmeisaurus gracilis Sh......
本文描述了产自广西小董中二叠统板城组的一个放射虫新亚种Pseudoalbaillella globosa guiglobosa,该亚种与P.globosaIshiga et Im......
泥豆为大豆属半野生种的一个变种,学名为Glycine gracilis Skovortzon。一年生直立草本。立秋前后播种,种后四至五天发芽,四十至......
迷果芹(Sphallerocarpus gracilis)为伞形科(Umbelllferae)迷果芹属(Sphallerocarpus Bess.)的单种植物,多年生草本,生长在山坡路......
大豆属(Glycine)包括288个以上的种和亚种,常分成Glycine和Soia两个亚属。我国Soja亚属有三个种,即野生大豆(Glycine Soja Sieb.e......
拓宽大豆育种的遗传基础,广泛利用和创造出新种质资源,是目前提高大豆育种水平的重要途径。 黑龙江省农科院豆类资源室,从1981年......