The hyperspace of the regions below of all lattice-value continuous maps and its Hilbert cube compac
Let L be a continuous semilattice. We use USC (X, L) to denote the family of all lower closed sets including X×{0} ......
In this paper, a new concept of selection operators on hyperspaces (subsets spaces) is introduced, and the existence the......
The hyperspace of the regions below of all lattice-value continuous maps and its Hilbert cube compac
The hyperspace of the regions below of all lattice-value continuous maps and its Hilbert cube compac
Let L be a continuous semilattice. We use USC (X, L) to denote the family of all lower closed sets including X×{0} in t......
This paper proves the following results:let X be a continuum,let k,m ∈ N,and let B ∈ Cm(X),consider the continuous sur......