FOR work reasons I have visited Daqing quite often in recent years.Its Lindian County is famous for hot springs,fertile ......
【Abstract】Lucky Jim is set around 1950s. The novel is under the influence of “Angry Young Men” movement which has en......
This thesis takes advantage of the sub-category- ATTITUDE in APPRAISAL Systems to track the high- light of The Joy Luck ......
Based on the text analysis of Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club this dissertation tries to prove that Amy Tan uses this semia......
Do Gamblers Think Differently?:Differences in Lay Beliefs Concerning Luck in Gamblers and Non-gamble
When individuals are not good at grasping coincidence events in the gambling mechanism,they take particular note of lay ......
The Joy Luck Club, written by Amy Tan, has got a landslide winning when it was published in the year of 1989. It not onl......
In The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan explores the issue of cultural identity and shows her thoughtful understanding of the mino......
美籍华裔作家谭恩美的小说The Joy Luck Club折射出中美文化差异,也被视为杂合文本的经典。在翻译的文化转向大背景下,小说两个汉译......
Amy Tan, a Chinese American writer describes the stories between four pairs of mothers and daughters in The Joy Luck Clu......
谈到“运气”,下面的几句话常挂在英美人的嘴边:Good luck!(祝你好运!)You’re lucky.(你真幸运。)Luckily I could get two tickets ......
Amy Tan is a renowned Chinese American writer who has won prestigious awards and also received various criticism from ho......
Through the analysis of the cultural identity in Amy Tan’s novels,this paper probes into different aspects of Chinese ......
Amy Tan is one of the most highly acclaimed writers of the contemporary Chinese American literature.(1989) The Joy Luck ......
The Conflicts and Integration between American and Chinese Cultures——An Intercultural Approach to Th
The Joy Luck Club written by Chinese American writer Amy Tan depicts the conflicts and reconciliation between the Chines......
Amy Tan’s well-known masterpiece The Joy Luck Club has been discussed by scholars and writers for a long time and the t......
According to recent researches in Chinese American literature, there are a few researchers who put their cores on the Ch......