We investigate the structure of solutions of boundary value problems for a non-linear pseudodifferential equation descri......
2006年2月21-22日,由美国拓洋网络通信公司 (Techyon Networks)和劳拉天网卫星(Loral Skynet)公司、鑫诺卫星公司、深圳证券通信公......
PMC-Sierra公司日前宣布推出新一代SAS/SATA协议控制器,可双倍提升现有解决方案的性能和端口密度。该Tachyon SPCv系列产品为企业存......
2004年4月6日,中国北京-安捷伦科技(Agilent Technologies,纽约证券交易所上市代号:A)日前宣布,推出业内第一款4Gb/s光纤通道控制......
在这个工作,我们建立在数量地与交往建模的 tachyon, k 本质和 dilaton 之间的通讯在非扁平的 FRW 宇宙的改正熵的 holographic 黑暗......
近日PMC宣布对其为6Gbit/s SAS企业级存储系统推出的maxSAS端对端芯片组投入量产。该芯片组包括Tachyon SPC 8×6G SAS协议控制......
An action of general form is proposed for a Universe containing matter, radiation and dark energy. The latter is interpr......
In this work the concept of generally covariant duality is treated with the introduction of generalized Levi-Civita tens......
In this work the concept of generally covariant duality is treated with the introduction of generalized Levi-Civita tens......
In this article, a novel speculative method is used to derive the relativistic mechanic that governs the motion of the v......
Based on mathematical foresight and beyond the mainstream inertial thinking pattern, the author believes that if neutrin......
Based on the special theory of relativity in space-like continuum, the pre-sent author points that if there exist tachyo......
PMC-Sierra宣布其为6Gb/sSAS企业级存储系统推出的maxSAS端对端芯片组投入量产。PMC-Sierra完整的6Gb/sSAS芯片组包括Tachyon SPC8&#......
新一代Tachyon光纤通道控制器HPFC-6600 QE4为四通道4Gbit/s光纤通道控制器,带有PCI-Express总线,可以与PMC-Sierra的4 Gbit/s光纤通道......
PMC—Sierra公司为6Gbit/sSAS企业级存储系统推出的maxSAS端对端芯片组投入量产。PMC—Sierra完整的6Gbit/sSAS芯片组包括Tachyon SP......
PMC-Sierra公司近日推出PM8032 Tachyon QE8光纤通道协议控制器,这款产品能够推动新级别网络存储系统出现的产品。存储网络正向着8 ......
PMC-Sierra的Tachyon QE4与该公司CTS回路交换器及MaxSAS磁盘互连系列产品相结合,可是供业界最高性能端到端企业级存储方案。......
Another possibility of sonoluminescence due to the cherenkov radiation from the ZPF field in a water
Sonoluminescence is the light produced from the collapse of bubbles in water under ultrasound. Schwinger proposed a phys......
Possibility to Realize the Brain-Computer Interface from the Quantum Brain Model Based on Superlumin
R. Penrose and S. Hameroff have proposed an idea that the brain can attain high efficient quantum computation by functio......
安捷伦科技(Agilent Technologies)日前推出业内第一款采用新型PCI Express系统总线的4Gb/s光纤通道控制器,它在单一芯片中为存储OEM......
Schrödinger equation for pair of two massless Dirac particles when magnetic field is applied in Landau gauge is solv......
Production of tachyons in, among other things, air showers would be in accordance with predictions of general relativity......