在真核细胞内,内吞体分选转运复合体(the endosomal sorting complex required for transport,ESCRT)具有剪切脂质双层膜的功能,参与......
The cellular endosomal sorting complex required for transport(ESCRT)pathway is a multifunction pathway involved in cell ......
Cellular ESCRT-Ⅲ Complex is Involved in Efficient Entry and Egress of Budded Virions of Autographa c
The endosomal sorting complex required for transport(ESCRT)machinery is necessary for formation of multivesicular bo......
细胞内蛋白分选复合体ESCRT(Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport)是生物体内重要的大分子蛋白质机器,最早发现于蛋......
目的液泡蛋白分选因子4(vacuolar protein soaing 4 Vps4)是调节细胞分裂、病毒芽胞形成的重要因素,本文检测其在肝细胞癌(HCC)患者的癌......
目的液泡蛋白分选因子4(vacuolar protein soaing 4 Vps4)是调节细胞分裂、病毒芽胞形成的重要因素,本文检测其在肝细胞癌(HCC)患者的癌......