Using the cone and partial ordering theory and mixed monotone operator theory, the existence and uniqueness of solutions......
利用Mikusinski J的算符演算,移动算符级数和微分算符的有关公式,给出更为一般的低阶常系数线性差分微分方程的级数形式解.......
Two dynamical system methods are studied for solving linear ill-posed problems with both operator and right-hand nonexac......
We introduce multilevel augmentation methods for solving operator equations based on direct sum decompositions of the ra......
在这份报纸,我们在 <sup 考虑部分拉普拉斯算符方程的系统 > 有非线性的条款的 n </sup> 令人满意一些相当一般的结构的条件。这些......
This paper concerns the A-smooth regularization method for linear ill-posed equations in the presence of perturbed opera......