
来源 :2014结核病诊治新进展学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq3264132
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  总结了一例重症肺结核合并艾滋病双重感染同时并发了呼吸衰竭、肝功能损害等的护理体会。在做好消毒隔离的基础上,正确评估病情,严密检测各种数据,密切观察患者病情变化,及时发现危急状况并快速有效低进行干预。经过精心治疗和护理,患者28 天后好转出院。
Previous studies showed that the patterns of eye movements reflect reading strategies and thus could predict individual differences of reading skill for readers of alphabetic language.However,no study
The involvements ofphonology and orthography in reading of Chinese for children and adults were examined using the error disruption paradigm with their eye movements recorded.Participants were instruc
In current study the assessment of vocabulary of Chinese characters for primary school (Wang & Tao,1996),the test of Chinese reading comprehension (Leong &Tse,2008) and Raven Standard Progressive Matr
Current methods for analyzing eye movement data focus on spatial information of eye movements,such as number of fixations on a set of predefined regions of interest (ROIs) or distribution of fixation
One of the most unfailing questions about causal inference is how people represent the knowledge about the cause,the effect and their linkage.Evidence from behavioral studies suggest that causally rel
Cognitive scientists often model text comprehension as the construction of a multilevel mental representation by the reader.In order to successively perceive and comprehend the information in a text,t
This presentation integrates data from studies examining reading aloud in comparison to silent reading in both adult and developing readers.Eye movement contingent display manipulations were used to m
Whether the difference between L2 learners and native speakers is qualitative or quantitative has been a focus in L2 sentence processing.The shallow structure hypothesis proposed that L2 learners are
The disappearing text paradigm is informative about the length of time a word must be visible to a reader for text to be read normally (e.g.,Rayner et al.,2006).In the standard paradigm,as each word i
本研究对1 例肌肉结核合并双侧胸腔积液患者进行报告.患者2 个月前无明显诱因出现胸闷、气短,活动后气短加重,自觉乏力伴盗汗,无咳嗽、咯痰,无胸痛,无发热,未在意,亦未治疗.1 个月前发现左侧大腿外侧包块,质软,病理提示慢性肉芽肿性炎,考虑结核.胸片检查提示左侧胸腔可见外高内低弧形液体密度影,右侧肋膈角变钝.考虑结核性胸膜炎可能性大,转入我院.给予抗结核(HRZE)及保肝治疗,后因左侧胸膜增厚明显,