Reciprocal Learning through Embodied Cosmopolitanism and Collaborative Partnerships on Water:A Canad

来源 :The Fifth Annual International Conferenceon Reciprocal Learn | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linyasa
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  In this paper,I present a Canadian teachers reciprocal learning narrative that has emerged on a Toronto-Shanghai Sister School partnership landscape under the support of the SSHRC funded Canada–China Reciprocal Learning Partnership Project.This teachers narrative revolves around her experience of engaging her students in learning from their Shanghai Sister Schools water culture and in building a shared water culture in their local community.By giving meanings to this teachers reciprocal learning narrative using ideas such as ―reciprocal learning as collaborative partnership,‖ ―cosmopolitanism,‖ and "harmonious but not sameness‖(和而不同); this paper hopes to provide educators with practical ways to think about,carry out and advance intercultural reciprocal learning within their particular educational settings in an interconnected and multicultural world.
The present study investigated undergraduate Canadian music education students personal and professional experiences during a three-month residency in China.This case study design represents a "bounde
探究教学是提高学生科学素养的理想途径。职前教育实习对教师探究教学观的形成和发展有着不可替代的作用。本文选取参加“中国与加拿大教师教育和学校教育互惠学习”项目(RLTESECC)和未参加交换项目的 职前科学教师撰写的“教育实习反思”为样本,从“什么是探究教学”、“为什么实施探究教学”和“如何实施探究教学”三个维度进行质性编码提取和量化统计分析,比较基于RLTESECC 交换项目的职前教育实习对中方科
本文基于中国-加拿大教师教育和学校教育互惠合作学习项目,以项目中三种不同类别的参与者为研究对象,即专家导师、姊妹校教师、研究生。搜集他们在参与项目过程中的会议记录、反思日志为研究数据,通过文本分析法、访谈法,研究这三类参与者在参与项目的 过程中的收获与反思,遇到过的问题、解决问题的方式、以及目前亟待解决的问题。归纳出跨文化互惠学习项目的动力源泉与阻碍因素、经验与反思。也进一步清晰三种不同类别参与者
With the acceleration of globalization,exchanges between China and the international community on education and culture have become more frequent.This provides a platform and foundation for schools to
This paper holds the point that teachers professional live is different from daily life and work life,and is one of the effective ways to promote professional development of teachers.Teachers profes
As part of the SSHRC partnership grant on Reciprocal Learning between Ontario,Canada and Southwest,China,we examined the commonalities and differences in secondary school Inquiry-based Teaching(IBT)in
本文通过观察中国重庆市人和街小学和加拿大温莎Talbot Trial 小学学生共同解决分数应用题,分析两国学生解决问题时运用的解题策略的异同。研究结果表明,中国学生倾向于独立解题,采用线段图法、转化法、直接列算式解决分数数学问题,聚焦题目的 数量关系,突出量的推理;加拿大学生采用的的解题策略是基于合作学习的图示法,关注问题情境,根据问题情境制定解题计划,突出质的推理。