Self-assembled Double Bundle DNA Tetrahedron for Efficient Antisense Delivery

来源 :第十一届全国化学生物学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lavina0526
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  Addressable and programmable DNA nanostructures are promising biomaterials to arrange multiple functional components for efficient and site-specific drug delivery.[1] Herein,we report a double bundle DNA tetrahedron(invented by Mao et al [2])rationally designed for delivery of antisense oligonucleotides silencing proto-oncogene c-raf.The antisense strands are located at the inside surface of the DNA tetrahedron to decrease the access of DNA digestive enzymes.Functionalized with nuclear targeting peptides,the DNA tetrahedron can be internalized by A549 cells and assists the delivery of antisense oligonucleotides towards the nucleus to increase the chance to down-regulate target mRNA in nucleus and cytoplasm.Antisense strands released from the tetrahedron in response to the intracellular reducing environment can inhibit cell proliferation at a low concentration without transfection reagent.Finally,efficient knockdown of c-raf gene is observed,which verified our design.This designed DNA-based nanocarrier system will open a new avenue for efficient delivery of nucleic acid drugs.[3]
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替莫唑胺(TMZ)是治疗恶性多形性胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)的一线药物,通过胞内弱碱性环境中降解为高活性中间体MTIC而对DNA的甲基化作用并产生细胞毒性.[1]然而,TMZ和MTIC 在体内的化学或生物受体迄今尚未发现,影响了人们对TMZ 和MTIC 药物作用的理解.我们研究了金属离子与TMZ 和MTIC 在水溶液中的作用,研究发现铜离子是十分有潜力的MTIC 受体,它能够在近中性环境中稳定结合MT
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