
来源 :中国化学会第十届全国天然有机化学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lan2009908
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Hirsutane型倍半萜,以线性三并五元环为基本骨架,结构独特.自1967年Comer FW报道第一个hirsutane型倍半萜hirsutic acid C,至今已发现了arthrosporol、 arthrosporone、 chloriolin A、 chloriolin B、 chlorostereone、 complicatic acid、 connatusin A、 connatusin B、 creolophin、cucumins A-H、 dichomitol、 hirsutanols A-F、 hirsutene、 hypnophilins、 phellodonic acid、 pleurotellic acid、pleurotellol及xeromphalinones A-F等共40余个化合物.
Chetomin is a natural product discovered from Chaetomium spp.and has some related fungal secondary metabolites with an unusual bridged disulphide diketopiperazine core.We became interested in chetomin
Ophioglossum thermale Kom.(Ophioglossaceae), is widely used as a traditional antidote for poisonous snake bite or Chinese herbs of heat-clearing and detoxifying.Phytochemical research revealed that th
从银鹊树叶子的内生真菌Penicillium citrinum的液体培养的萃取物中,经过正相色谱、反相色谱、Sephadex LH-20等色谱方法分离得到五个化合物,通过NMR、MS等方法确定该五个化合物结构,其中化合物1和2为新的糖苷类化合物,3-5为已知的蒽醌类化合物.经过体外的细胞毒实验结果显示,化合物1和2对Caski、HepG 2、A549细胞均有不同程度的抑制率,其IC50值分别为12
The flesh of Rosa laevigata has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine, and recently is becoming increasingly popular as a functional food that has numerous medicinal and nutritional propertie
Plant-derived drugs are important in cancer therapy due to their low toxicity and high efficacy.Numerous bioactive natural products found in medicinal herbs are considered to be potential anticancer a
葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)苦瓜属(Momordica)植物在全世界约有45余种,分布于热带、亚热带地区.我国约产4种,包括苦瓜M.charantia、木鳖子M.cochinchinensis、云南木鳖M.dioica 和凹萼木鳖M.subangulata1.本属植物除富含多肽类南瓜家族蛋白酶抑制剂外2,还含有三萜、甾体、有机酸等.本属植物长期以来用于清热解暑、健胃消渴、缓泻、驱虫等.随着
Chemical investigation on the non-polar fraction of the MeOH extract from soft corel Pseudopteroagorgia americana afforded two rare sterols, americgorgosterol (1) and 3-acetyl-americgorgosterol (2), b
Andrographolide sodium bisulphite (ASB), widely used in China for the treatment of bacterial infections, is a water-soluble sulfonated derivative of andrographolide, an important diterpenoid lactone i
Dianthus chinensis (Caryophyllaceae) is a small herb widely distributed in the northeast of China and its aerial parts, known asQumai, has been cited as a traditional Chinese medicine in Chinese Pharm
OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of 95% EtOH extract of Mappianthus iodoides Hand.-Mazz..METHODS Various chromatographic techniques were used to separate and purify the constituents.The sp