
来源 :沈阳航空航天大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songfenhao3
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In the enterprise management of countries with high level of economic and social development,employee career management is placed in the main position.As the management system of employees has not formed a system in our country for the time being,employees still need to continue to learn from more successful foreign companies in terms of career development planning.In China,the salary level of enterprise staff are rising day by day.The human resources departments of different enterprises list the career management of employees as the first problem to be solved.Tourism industry is a part of enterprises.In today’s world,the most common form of recreation people choose is travel.So more and more relevant staff are involved in the tourism industry.However,in the process of the development of tourism in China industry,due to the lack of corresponding career planning,a large number of professionals have left,which has posed a great challenge to the human resource management of the tourism industry.FY travel agency is a travel agency specializing in tourism reception,tourism guidance,professional tour guides and other services.It enjoys a high reputation in the industry,and its professional quality and service quality have been recognized by the industry.In recent years,the internal personnel mobility of travel agencies is high and large and showed a trend of continuous growth.Travel agencies have made a series of adjustments to the salary structure,incentive mechanism and jobs,but it still failed to curb the loss of personnel.Many people reflect that this is because the development of the tourism industry is limited.This is also the reason for choosing the research topic of employee career management.This paper takes FY travel agency as a case study.Firstly,according to the current situation of human resource management in tourism industry,this paper discusses the career management of employees in FY travel agency from the perspective of employee career management.Secondly,through the research on the current situation of career management of the staff of FY travel agency,and semi-structured interviews with the staff and middle and senior personnel of FY travel agency.On this basis,it summarizes the parts that FY travel agency needs to improve in the process of employee career management.It mainly exists in the following five aspects.First,the position development orientation of travel agency is vague,and there is a lack of smooth communication channels within the organization.Second,the employee career planning system is not formed.Third,the management system of travel agencies is imperfect and the work efficiency is reduced.Fourth,the career development path of employees is too long.Fifth,the auxiliary means of employees’ career planning are not perfect.Aiming at the above five aspects,this paper puts forward the following suggestions for FY travel agency.Strengthen the positioning of career management,strengthen the construction of career management system of travel agency staff,strengthen the travel agency career management organization and system,perfect the travel agency staff career management process,and optimized the travel agency career planning management supporting measures.
N公司是一家以民用航空飞机辅助动力装置(Auxiliary Power Unit,APU)维修为主要业务的民用航空部件维修单位,维修能力处于亚洲领先地位。随着国内民航维修技术的发展和国内民用航空部件维修业务的市场化转型,现有的生产模式已经不能满足客户需求的多样化和更短的维修周期、更高的维修质量、更激烈的市场竞争。本论文的研究目的在于:探索研究工业4.0、智能制造等前沿理论,并针对N公司业务现状及发
本文通过利用相图计算(CALculation of PHAse Diagrams,CALPHAD)技术和利用TTNI8数据库通过Thermo-Calc软件设计出所研究的三种合金,其名义成分为(Cu50Ni20Cr20Mn10)95Al5、(Cu65Ni15Cr15Mn5)95Al5、(Cu75Ni10Cr10Mn5)95Al5。针对三种合金的铸态及热处理、冷轧及热处理的组织、力学性能和耐蚀性及其微