Effects of spatial distribution of soil parameters on soil moisture retrieval from passive microwave

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fano
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In this paper,we studied the effect of spatial distribution of soil parameters on passive soil moisture retrieval at pixel scale.First,we evaluated the forward microwave emission model and soil moisture retrieval algorithm accuracy through the observa-tion of field experiments.Then,we used soil parameters in different spatial distribution patterns,including random,normal,and uniform distribution,to determine the different levels of heterogeneity on soil moisture retrieval,in order to seek the rela-tionship between heterogeneity and soil moisture retrieval error.Finally,we conducted a controlled heterogeneity effect ex-periment measurements using a Truck-mounted Multi-frequency Radiometer(TMMR) to validate our simulation results.This work has proved that the soil moisture retrieval algorithm had a high accuracy(RMSE=0.049 cm3 cm 3) and can satisfy the need of this research.The simulation brightness temperatures match well with observations,with RMSE=9.89 K.At passive microwave remote sensing pixel scale,soil parameters with different spatial distribution patterns could have different levels of error on soil moisture estimation.Overall,we found that soil moisture with a random distribution in a satellite pixel scale can cause the largest error,with a normal distribution being the second,and a uniform distribution the least due to the smallest het-erogeneity. In this paper, we studied the effect of spatial distribution of soil parameters on passive soil moisture retrieval at pixel scale. First, we evaluated the forward microwave emission model and soil moisture retrieval algorithm accuracy through the observa-tion of field experiments. Shen, we used soil parameters in different spatial distribution patterns, including random, normal, and uniform distribution, to determine the different levels of heterogeneity on soil moisture retrieval, in order to seek the rela-tionship between heterogeneity and soil moisture retrieval error. a controlled heterogeneity effect ex-periment measurements using a Truck-mounted Multi-frequency Radiometer (TMMR) to validate our simulation results. This work has proved that the soil moisture retrieval algorithm had a high accuracy (RMSE = 0.049 cm3 cm3) and can satisfy the need of this research. The simulation of brightness with match well with observations, with RMSE = 9.89 K.At passive microwave remote se nsing pixel scale, soil parameters with different spatial distribution patterns could have different levels of error on soil moisture estimation. Overall, we found that soil moisture with a random distribution in a satellite pixel scale can cause the largest error, with a normal distribution being the second, and a uniform distribution the least due to the smallest het-erogeneity.
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摘 要:本文主要论述在思想政治教学中要切实贯彻创新教育理念,改变陈旧思想,确立创新观念;营造宽松环境,培养创新意识;发展发散思维,培养创造新能力;激发兴趣,培养创新品质,提高课堂效率,实现教学精神与教学能力的新突破。  关键词:创新教育 思想政治 观念 创新意识 创新能力 创新品质    新时期的中学思想政治课教学是以弘扬人的主体性、提高人的综合素质为宗旨的。因此,创新教育对于思想政治课来说尤
通常说,稿件是否采用,决定权在编辑。之所以写下这个题目,是想强调一下作者在新闻采写过程中的主观能动作用,尽量多从编辑、报刊的立场角度去写稿、投稿。 Generally speaki