“三英”争雄 舌战银屏

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  6月大选结果尘埃落定,主要政党无一赢得多数议席,从而出现1974年以来首个“悬浮议会”(Hung Parliament),保守党和自民党联合执政,卡梅伦成为英国近200年来最年轻的首相。我们就来回顾一下这三党魁是如何通过台前雄辩赢得选民的支持,成为英国未来的希望的。
  Britain’s Big Show “三英”争雄
  GORDON BROWN: We have got to make a decision now, about how we secure the recovery this year.
  DAVID CAMERON: Choose hope over fear, because we have incredibly exciting and 1)optimistic plans for the future of our country.
  NICK CLEGG: Don’t let them tell you that the only choice is between two old parties who’ve been playing 2)pass the parcel with your government for 65 years now.
  Overnight Success 一辩成名
  ALASTAIR STEWART (Host): Thank you Mr. Brown. Mr. Clegg.
  CLEGG: I’m not sure if you’re like me, but the more they attack each other, the more they sound exactly the same.
  All I would appeal for is just a bit of honesty in this debate. People know that money is tight. People know that you can’t promise something for nothing. You can’t say you’re going to fill the 3)deficit tomorrow and you’re going to give lots and lots of 4)tax breaks to people, inheritance tax breaks for double millionaires, tax breaks for...what is it...one in three hand-picked married couples, and also extra, extra money to the 5)NHS without explaining how you’re going to do it.
  STEWART: Mr. Cameron?
  CLEGG: I say again there’s something wrong...
  STEWART: Mr. Cameron? Thank you, Mr. Clegg.
  CAMERON: Nick Clegg is promising a £17 billion tax cut. Now, we’re saying, stop the waste of 6 billion to stop the National Insurance rise. I would love to take everyone out of their first £10,000 of income tax, Nick. It’s a beautiful idea, it’s a lovely idea. We cannot afford it. It’s all very well posing.
  CLEGG: Shall I tell you how we pay for it?
  STEWART: Please do, Mr. Clegg.
  CLEGG: I’ll tell you how we pay for it. We would, for instance, stop the huge unfair 6)loopholes that only benefit the very wealthy at the top of the tax system. At the moment, the top 10% of earners in this country get twice as much tax 7)subsidy from all of the rest of you when they make contributions to their 8)pension pot than everybody else. We say give people tax relief on their pension contributions, but make sure that they are the same. And use that money...
  STEWART: Gordon Brown.
  CLEGG: ..so no-one pays any income tax on the first £10,000 they earn.
  STEWART: Thank you. Mr. Brown.
  BROWN: Where Nick and I are agreed is that to give an inheritance tax cut to the 3,000 richest estates in the country, of £200,000 each, the biggest 9)manifesto promise that the Conservative made, is totally unfair to the rest of the population of this country. And I say to him, we will use the National Insurance to pay for health care, to pay for policing, and to pay for schools.
  Tit for Tat 针锋相对
  STEWART: Mr. Cameron.
  CAMERON: What matters is what comes out. I went to a Hull police station the other day. They had five different police cars, and they were just about to buy a £73,000 Lexus. There’s money that could be saved to get the police on the frontline. The Metropolitan Police have 400 uniformed officers, officers in their human resources department. Our police officers should be crime fighters, not form-fillers, and that’s what needs to change.
  BROWN: Absolutely.
  BROWN: There’s a lot to this job, and 10)as you saw yesterday, I don’t get all of it right, but I do know how to run the economy in good times and in bad.
  David is proposing that there be cuts in public spending now—6 billion—and that will shrink the economy at a time when we need to support the economy. We cannot afford to lose jobs and businesses and lose growth now. We must maintain the recovery and support it, and please let us not make the mistake of the 1930s and the 1980s and the 1990s, and let us support the economy until the recovery is assured.
  CAMERON: Let me respond to this point about the £6 billion as directly as I possibly can. £6 billion saving this year, so we stop the jobs tax next year, that means saving one out of every £100 that the government spends. That is the 11)glossy leaflet that comes through your door from the local council. That’s one in £100.
  CLEGG: What you can’t do—and this is where I really disagree with David Cameron and Gordon Brown—is [to] try and fool you into thinking that just efficiency saving’s enough. You can’t fill the black hole by just a few savings on pot plants and paper clips in 12)Whitehall.
  CAMERON: People can remember the record of 13 years, they remember who it was who abolished the 13)10p tax that hit some of the poorest people in the country the hardest. They remember the 14)measly 75p increase on pensioners that Gordon Brown was responsible for. And let me say this, the whole reason we’re having this debate about how difficult it is to get taxes down, how difficult it’s going to be to cut spending, is because this Prime Minister and this Government have left our economy in such a complete mess with a budget deficit that, this year, is forecast to be bigger than 15)that of Greece.
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