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  Laika注1 may have been the first dog in space, but Snoopy is by far the coolest.
  The famous dog from Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts注2 comic strips[连环画] and his bird pal[伙伴] Woodstock head off for a cosmic[宇宙的] journey in the third Peanuts graphic novel[绘本小说] from Boom! Studios, The Beagle[小猎犬] Has Landed, Charlie Brown(due out in June). Vicki Scott, who’s employed as an artist by the Schulz estate[集团], illustrated[给……加插图] the original graphic novel and co-wrote along with Andy Beall and Bob Scott.
  Scott worked on the previous[早先的] graphic novels Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown and It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown that focused on the entire Peanuts cast, with Snoopy providing the comic relief[喜剧穿插].
  With Beagle, though, Scott loved putting him in the lead, she says, as well as making other changes.“As soon as you open the book you will see that this one is visually[视觉上地] very different than the other books. A big section is set in outer space! The coloring style is really new and fabulous[极好的].”
  In the story, talk of space has Charlie Brown, Linus and the gang[一伙] imagining themselves as astronauts[宇航员], but it’s only Snoopy and Woodstock who go to the moon, a sequence[一连串] where Scott weaves in jargon[术语] and anti-gravity gags[笑话].(Snoopy’s made a lunar jaunt[远足] before—in Schulz’s strips, the adventurous beagle landed on the moon in 1969 a good four months before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.)
  Snoopy’s biggest problem, though, isn’t the emptiness of space or technical issues—it’s actually The Cat Next Door who’s stolen his food dish.
  “The best thing about working with Snoopy and the Peanuts characters is that they are so rich and threedimensional[立体的],” Scott says.“They are like real people, full of anxieties and dreams and hopes and quirks[怪癖]. Snoopy, too, is such a full character—he is so much more than a dog!”
  While Schulz, whom Scott and others still refer to by his nickname “Sparky,” spent 50 years with his Peanuts characters, Scott’s found that the secret to her job is simply not screwing anything up[弄糟].
  “I pretend Sparky is looking over my shoulder,”she says. “I try very hard for my drawings to be more his than mine. Maybe that makes me sound kind of odd, but I get a huge kick out of[因……感到愉快] drawing these characters as ‘on model’ as humanly possible. It’s a big challenge, and I love that.”
  在Boom!工作室即将出版的第三部《花生漫画》绘本小说《猎犬着陆》(六月发售)里,这只来自于查尔斯·M. 舒尔茨的《花生漫画》系列里的著名小狗将和它的小鸟朋友糊涂塌客一起奔向太空之旅。作为舒尔茨集团雇请的艺术家,薇琪·斯科特为原漫画绘本小说做插画,并同安迪·比尔和鲍勃·斯科特一起合写故事。
At age seven, Gideon Gidori knew exactly what he wanted to be: a spaceship pilot.  The only thing was, he was living in a tiny Tanzanian village where schools only went through grade six and books abo
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英语中有这么一个说法:One man's trash is another man's treasure,(有些东西对某些人来说可能是废品,对另一些人来讲却是宝贝。)这句话用来形容资深“垃圾淘客(dumpster diver)”马克西莫斯·塔勒尔以及他的同伴再合适不过。他们信奉反消费主义(为保护环境而反对消费的主张)的生活方式,在垃圾堆里寻找仍然可以食用的食物。  在美国,超过40%的食物在还没摆
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