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500多个外胎为何爆裂中国机械进出口公司从某国进口了一批载重量为9.3吨的大卡车。江西某单位买了80多台。没想到才过两三个月就爆了100多个外胎!过了几个月又爆了300多个外胎。当该单位爆了500多个外胎时,才想到该到商检局来报验,迟钝竟至于此。江西商检局派员去检验,发现这些破外胎花纹没有明显磨损,连模铸灌胶时留下的“胡子”都没有掉就发生爆裂,显然是胎的质量有问题。商检员请该单位把这几百个外胎编号,写明某号胎是哪辆车的,其引擎、底盘编号是多少,是安在前轴还是 Why more than 500 tires burst China Machinery Import and Export Corporation imported a batch of large trucks with a 9.3-ton capacity from a country. A unit in Jiangxi bought more than 80 units. Unexpectedly, it took more than 100 tires to explode in two or three months. After months, it exploded more than 300 tires. When the unit burst more than 500 tires, it was thought that the arrival of the Commodity Inspection Bureau to report for inspection would be slow. The Jiangxi Commodity Inspection Bureau dispatched personnel to test and found that these broken tire patterns were not significantly worn out. Even the “beard” left behind by the mold casting glue did not fall out and burst. It was obviously a problem with the quality of the tire. The inspector asked the unit to number the hundreds of tires and indicate which vehicle the number was. What is the engine and chassis number? Is it on the front axle?
The statistics showed that in the first fivemonths,processing trade,for the first timein this year,grew by 1.4 per cent to US$39.61 billion,while export value
According to a report from the Ministry ofForeign Trade and Economic Cooperation(Moiled, China will import US$1,500 billionworth of equipment, technology andpr
The Chinese government has showed itsdetermination again in its continuous effortsto urge for more measures aimed at in-creasing exports and drawing foreign in
雷达希望宣传由著名设计师Jasper Morrison亲手设计的限量系列,这款系列只有50只,所以它的广告预算也相对较少,且最新限量版雷达表的设计基于精细的金色系列,但通过广告来宣
尊敬的编辑: 收到贵刊寄来的《广告大观》99.7期,惊喜地发现试投您处的《银川市区公益广告》已被采用,作为撰稿人的我及我单位对责刊大力宣传西北边陲地区的广告工作,表示十
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Eco-nomic Cooperation(Moftec)recently issueda circular with provisional regulations onsilver export.According to the circular