Screening of molecular markers of induced chemotherapy in supraglottic laryngeal squamouscell carcin

来源 :世界耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aminhao
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Objective::To investigate the expressions of MAPK10, c-Jun and Itga6 in laryngeal carcinoma and its influence on the sensitivity to docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (TPF) chemotherapy.Methods::Fifty-seven patients with supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma, who were treated by two cycles of TPF induction chemotherapy in our hospital, were enrolled in this study and divided into groups by chemotherapy resistance or chemotherapy sensitivity. The expressions of mRNA and protein of MAPK10, c-Jun and Itga6 in tumor tissues were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. The consistency of mRNA and protein expressions was tested, and the relation with the clinicopathological features was analyzed.Results::The positive rates of MAPK10 andc-Jun in the tumor tissues of the sensitive group were significantly higher than those of there assistant group, which was 90.48% and 100.00%, respectively. The expression rate of Itga6 was significantly higher in the resistant group, which was 83.33% (n P < 0.05). The mRNA levels of MAPK10 and c-Jun were significantly lower in the resistant group than in the sensitive group, whilethemRNA levelof Itga6was significantly higher in the resistant group ( n P < 0.05). The protein expressions of MAPK10, c-Jun and Itga6 were consistent with their mRNA expressions ( n P 0.05). However, the expressions of MAPK10 and c-Jun were negatively correlated withclinical stage and pathological grading ( n P < 0.05). Negative correlations between MAPK 10 and Itga6, and between c-Jun and Itga6in tumor tissues were found by Spearman’srank correlation coefficient ( n P < 0.05). The correlation was also negative in the resistant tumor tissues ( n P < 0.05).n Conclusion::The MAPK10 and c-Jun expressions were down-regulated, while the Itga6 expression was up-regulated in the chemo-resistant laryngeal carcinoma, and the expression levels of different factors were correlated witheach other. These factorsmight be important biomarkers for predicting outcomes of TPF chemotherapy in laryngeal carcinoma in the future.
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