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  One hot and humid day, I decided to mow our extremely hilly lawn. It was threatening to turn into a jungle.
  After several false starts, I got our ancient lawn mower going. Struggling to push the machine uphill, I grumbled1 under my breath.

  At the top of a rise, I looked up to see my 12-year-old son standing there, a smile on his face and a glass of ice water in his hand. “Here, Mom,” he said, “have a drink. Want me to rest you? Dad lets me mow on the flat places.”
  I accepted the ice water and went to sit in the shade of a tall tree. As I sipped my drink, I watched John Thomas. He didn’t seem to be following the normal mowing pattern. And he kept grinning at me as he worked. What’s he doing that makes him so happy? I thought to myself.
  After a while, he stopped mowing. “Hey, Mom, could you come over here?”
  I stood up grumpily2. As I walked across the lawn, I noticed that he’d missed a sizable spot. “John, you didn’t...” The irritable3 words faded. For the spot I thought he’d neglected had been carefully and meticulously4 mowed into the shape of a heart.
  “Like it, Mom?” he asked with a big smile. “Now I’ll finish the job.”
1.我叫紫末,是紫蝶国的公主。三百年前的我,心水清明,婀娜多姿。父王母后对我爱如珍宝,特派本国巫师教我各种法术。那一日,巫师喝多了花露,醉了。她一时兴起,违背教规,偷偷授我紫蝶国传男不传女的飞天术,学会此术,只需轻煽翅膀便可一日千里。但正是这飞天之术,让我从此万劫不复。    2.那一日,我趁父王母后外出,一个人偷偷飞上云霄。不知飞了多久,听见绵软的云层下面传来一阵琴音,如泣如诉,声声勾魂,将我生
息影11年的叶德娴复出拍摄许鞍华执导的《桃姐》,结果在威尼斯影展中击败奥斯卡“影后”凯特?温丝莱特封后。63岁的叶德娴却称对得奖以平常心看待,不会特别庆祝,回家最想做的事是洗澡、收拾房子。这样的女人,能经历岁月的打磨,而后像钻石一样发光——对于你来说,你想做一个什么样的人?你的光芒会在什么时候绽放呢?    1.很小的时候就知道自己想做一个什么样的人   是的→ 2 没有→3     
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