Vertical Distribution and Seasonal Dynamics of Fine Root Parameters for Apple Trees of Different Age

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:garry0809
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The vertical distribution pattern and seasonal dynamics of fine root parameters for the apple trees of different ages(3,10,15,and 20 years old) on the Loess Plateau of China were studied.Soil coring method was used to determine the vertical distribution and seasonal dynamics of fine roots at different root radial distances(1.0,1.5,and 2.0 m from the main tree trunk).The fine root biomass density(FRD),fine root length density(RLD),and specific root length(SRL),as well as soil water content and soil temperature were also measured.The FRD and RLD for the 10,15,and 20 years old trees reached peak values in the 20-30 cm soil layer.For the 3 years old tree,the highest FRD and RLD were observed in the 10-20 cm soil layer.The FRD and RLD decreased with increased soil depth from the 10-20 or 20-30 cm soil layer for all age apple trees.The SRL declined with the increase of tree age.The FRD at the 1.0 m radial distance from the main tree trunk was higher than that at other radial distances in the 3 and 10 years old orchard.However,in the 15 and 20 years old orchards,especially the 20 years old orchard,the FRD at the 2.0 m radial distance was nearly equal to or higher than that at the 1.0 and 1.5 m radial distances.For all the root radiuses or the tree ages,the FRD,RLD,and SRL were the highest in spring and the lowest in autumn.The age of an apple tree does not affect the vertical distribution pattern but the biomass of fine roots and the SRL.Radial distance affects the root horizontal distribution of 3 and 10 years old trees but the 15 and 20 years old trees.Additionally,effects of soil temperature and soil moisture on fine root distribution or seasonal dynamics are not significant. The vertical distribution pattern and seasonal dynamics of fine root parameters for the apple trees of different ages (3,10,15, and 20 years old) on the Loess Plateau of China were studied. Coil coring method was used to determine the vertical distribution and seasonal dynamics of fine roots at different root radial distances (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m from the main tree trunk). Fine root biomass density (FRD), fine root length density (RLD), and specific root length as well as soil water content and soil temperature were also measured. The FRD and RLD for the 10,15, and 20 years old trees reached peak values ​​in the 20-30 cm soil layer. For the 3 years old tree, the highest FRD and RLD were observed in the 10-20 cm soil layer. The FRD and RLD decreased with increased soil depth from the 10-20 or 20-30 cm soil layer for all age apple trees. SRL declined with the increase of tree age. The FRD at the 1.0 m radial distance from the main tree trunk was higher than that at at other radial distances in the 3 and 10 years old orchard. However, in the 15 and 20 years old orchards, especially the 20 years old orchard, the FRD at the 2.0 m radial distance was nearly equal to or higher than that at at the 1.0 and 1.5 m radial distances. For all the root radiuses or the tree ages, the FRD, RLD, and SRL were the highest in spring and the lowest in autumn. The age of an apple tree does not affect the vertical distribution pattern but the biomass of fine roots and the SRL .Radial distance affects the root horizontal distribution of 3 and 10 years old trees but the 15 and 20 years old trees. Additionally, effects of soil temperature and soil moisture on fine root distribution or seasonal dynamics are not significant.
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