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  Kate Middleton grew up in a small village in Bucklebury, around 45 miles west of London.
  As a commoner, she seems ordinary. One of three children, Middleton completed her schooling as a boarder at the prestigious Marlborough College before taking a degree in History of Art at St. Andrew’s University in Fife, Scotland, in 2001.
  Yet, she is not. A picture shows the three-anda-half-year old Kate was determined to climb a mountain in the Lake District1. In 2001 Kate worked as an International volunteer in Chile. Rachel Humphreys, who looked after the volunteers, said:“She had a certain presence.” That quality was later recognised by Dr. Brian Lang, former vice chancellor of St. Andrews University. He said: “Kate was a very mature girl. She was a very attractive girl; she was a very popular girl, particularly with the boys. But she was always very in control of herself and impeccably behaved.”
  She loved drama and caught the acting bug2 while appearing in her school plays and her dedication to her Brownie troop led her to participate in the group’s holiday outings and camps. She excelled at sports setting the school record for the high jump, and she picked up the flute to round out her education.
  The past year has seen momentous changes for Kate, with a fairytale wedding to Prince William, travels around the world and glamorous appearances that marked her transition from commoner to the world’s most talked-about princess and style icon. She has won rave reviews for her sparkle, her elegant sense of style, and her common touch with the public. The media, yearning for a young and beautiful royal, documented—and largely admired—her every move.
  “She’s done very well, playing a very good supporting role to Prince William and complementing him as part of a team,”commentator Robert Jobson said of her first few months as a royal. “We’ve not seen much of her, but when she’s in public she has performed with aplomb3,” added Jobson, who is the author of William and Kate: The Love Story.
  From the moment she clambered aboard her father-inlaw’s car for a crowd-pleasing drive around Buckingham Palace after the wedding, she has proved to be a consummate4 master of the common touch.
  The best part about the Public Kate is that it’s actually not an act. People who have met and worked with the royals all say the same thing: William and Kate really are just like they seem—down-to-earth. When they are in Anglesey5, they stay in and watch television at night. They have the lightest staff of any of the senior royals. When a housekeeper was hired for Kate without her knowledge, Kate promptly reversed the hiring. Why would she want a housekeeper? She asked. To cook and shop and clean up after her and her husband, she was told. Kate replied that they were perfectly capable of doing their own cooking, as well as loading the dishwasher and going to the supermarket themselves (even if she does have to take a bodyguard along for the ride).
  She has made no secret of the fact that she is determined to lead as normal a life as possible for as long as possible. For example, the royal couple often travel up and down to Wales from London on the regular train. They travel first class, with their protection officers of course, but other people are allowed in the carriage and they get a drink from the buffet car like everyone else. There is certainly no question of a carriage being cordoned off6 or of the royal train being requisitioned every time they want to make the trip.
  And yet, at the same time, Kate is effortlessly dignified and elegant, encapsulating everything that a modern royal princess should be—even if she is “only” a duchess. She has clearly been helped by the fact that over the past year she has appeared incapable of taking a bad photo. Whether it’s at big, formal events or visiting charity establishments, Kate always judges the mood perfectly. Kate knows, probably better than anyone else on this planet, the power of an image.
  Since her wedding to Prince William turned her into a global superstar, she hasn’t put a foot wrong. What’s more, she has made it all look so easy.
  It has not been any such thing. However much William insists that their private life is just that, their status and celebrity encroach on7 everything they do. Despite living in relative seclusion in a rented farmhouse in Anglesey–close to RAF Valley8, where Prince William works as a search and rescue helicopter pilot–Kate cannot even go to the local supermarket without being snapped by photographers.
  Every detail of her outfit, accessories and hairstyle is then analysed and posted on Twitter within minutes of the pictures appearing on the Internet. William jokingly suggested that his wife go shopping in disguise.
  Fortunately for Kate, she has William as her mentor and staunch9 ally in the crucial matter of being royal. They exchange private glances and loving hugs in public and set aside private time at their Anglesey home, which Kate says she loves and where she refuses to have staff, cooking for William herself when he is off duty.
  To wed a Windsor10 is to marry an institution and she cannot forget that William is a prince before he is a husband. But the Royal Family knows it has struck gold11 with the former Kate Middleton. Since her marriage and ennoblement as the Duchess of Cambridge, she has proved to be everything they could have hoped for.
  From the moment Kate stepped out on that windy February day in Anglesey with William at her side for their first official engagement, she has been charming everyone she meets. This is the most essential part of royal life and comes to her naturally. Whether she is meeting ordinary people in the street or heads of state at functions, Kate is to the manner born.12
  The newlyweds’ first official duty as Duke and Duchess was to meet Barack Obama and his wife Michelle during the US leader’s state visit in May, 2011. Kate and William had just returned from their Seychelles honeymoon and for 20 minutes they chatted with the President and the First Lady in the opulent setting of the 1844 room at Buckingham Palace. Despite the grandeur of the occasion, Kate choose to wear a ?175 dress from Reiss–but she is stylish enough to be able to wear something simple and still make it look a million dollars.
  Detail is where Kate excels. Whether in high-street outfits or couture frocks, she always looks immaculate, ignoring criticism from those in the fashion press who want her to look more modern.13 She trusts her instincts but is highly organised: every outfit is carefully planned, however casual it might appear (she makes the perfect foil for her slightly disorganised husband, gently chiding him to do things before they pile up and become stressful).
  When the royal couple made their first official overseas visit, to Canada last June, Kate was on view every minute, the only breaks coming on the plane trips. Ten days of engagements–up to five of them a day–meant countless changes of outfit. Yet Kate shone every time, without even the help of a dresser.
  Then it was on to California with a large metal travelling wardrobe, packed with outfits to wow the Hollywood glitterati14, who turned out in force. And despite the likes of Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman and Barbra Streisand, all eyes were on Kate in a lavender15 Alexander McQueen gown.
  Though a triumph, the American visit was anything but a holiday. Kate has quickly learned that royal life is hard work, and that the Windsors are never off duty. At the opera or a concert, it’s a case of stifling the yawns and sitting still to the end. On Sundays in a royal residence, she will have to be down for breakfast at 8:30 am, no matter how much she longs to sleep in; in church by 11 am and back for drinks at 12:30 am.
  When Prince William leaves for his duties, she misses him but she doesn’t flounder16 without him. She has learned a lot of lessons in the past year and one of the most important is that royal life is full of separations.
  Since Kate said her vows on April 29 last year–and without losing herself in the process–she has proved herself to be the perfect royal princess. S
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In the past year, Kate Middleton has become a wife, a Duchess and, now, a certified2 fashion icon with real market power. In fact, Kate has been named the top beauty icons of 2011, by the UK Superdrug
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