Robert Pattinson

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  Recently, “Twilight”1 star Robert Pattinson was named “2011 the world’s most popular actor” by Glamour, the fashion magazine in Britain. He has won this prize for three years from 2009 to 2011.
  Robert is a very familiar name for many people, especially teenagers and girls of various ages. After he played the leading role of Edward Cullen in the film adaptation2 of the “Twilight” novels, he gained worldwide fame.
  Unlike many other Hollywood stars, Robert broke into the entertainment industry as a model. At the age of 12, he started his modeling career. However, this job did not last long because his look became too“manly” after several years. “It’s better for a model to have a neutral appearance,” said Robert. But then some acting audition3 opportunities came to him.
  1. “Twilight”: 《暮光之城》系列电影,第一部于2008年上映。由罗伯特·帕丁森和克里斯汀·斯图尔特主演。改编自斯蒂芬妮·梅尔的同名小说。该系列以贝拉·斯旺(Bella Swan)和爱德华·卡伦( Edward Cullen)的故事为主线,融合了吸血鬼传说、狼人故事、校园生活、恐怖悬念、冒险喜剧等各种吸引眼球的元素。
  2. adaptation: 改编本。
  3. acting audition: 试镜。
one day,whenlwas afreshman in high school,I saw a kidfrom my class who was walking home from school。
能够为伟大的亨利·维奥克斯腾普斯(比利时小提琴家——译者注)演出,应该不至于太糟吧,但小提琴家李奥坡· 奥尔却不得不忍气吞声,因为伴奏者——维奥克斯腾普斯妻子的粗鲁简直出乎他的想象。  这事儿大约发生在1859年,当时奥尔还是个学生。奥尔和他父亲去拜访小提琴家维奥克斯腾普斯,他很热情地接待了他们,但他的妻子——也是他的伴奏者却冷若冰霜。在闲谈了一阵奥尔的学业后,维奥克斯腾普斯让奥尔拿出小提琴演奏,
《相助》(The Help)翻拍自美国作家凯瑟琳.斯多克特的畅销同名小说,在大片、续集扎堆的夏季档创下了连续四周荣登北美票房榜冠军的佳绩,令人印象深刻。该片的制作成本仅为2,500万美元,全球的总票房却超过两亿,可谓2011年电影界的最大惊喜。  以前的专栏曾多次点评翻拍自畅销书的电影,但这次有些不同。如果没记错的话,《相助》是第一个原著和电影都让我赞不绝口的例子。鉴于不少朋友说《相助》这个名字是
As an eternal pursuit of human,happiness has been defined by untold philosophers,scholars andeven by every common people。
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You don’t know just how to start me up  Don’t know how to get me going on Something’s wrong between the two of us  I’m not a robot but I feel like one  One two three four Head to ground  I don’t ever
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