The Wild West

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  It’s been a rollercoaster ride for many Chinese companies with listings on the US stock exchangesby Isabel Ding
  A recent trend among Chinese companies looking to raise capital and cultivate a more international image has been to get a listing on one of the US stock exchanges either through the traditional IPO process or a reverse takeover (RTO), in which the Chinese company acquired an already-listed company, bypassing the lengthy and complex process required in an IPO.
  In the aftermath of the global financial crisis it seemed that the story of the Chinese economic miracle was all it took to sell US investors on Chinese company stocks. According to a report by Ernst and Young, Chinese growth companies dominated the cross-border listings on US exchanges in 2009, raising USD 2 billion through 14 deals. In 2010, 32 Chinese companies listed on the US exchanges.
  It looked like 2011 was set to be another banner year for Chinese stocks on the NASDAQ and NYSE, with 12 Chinese companies launching US IPOs in the first five months of this year alone. But suddenly, the IPO surge and climbing share prices have come to a halt. Since March, 24 Chinese companies listed in the US have released information regarding auditor resignations or accounting issues, and 19 Chinese companies saw US regulators suspend trading on their stocks, including China MediaExpress Holding (中国高速传媒) which was delisted.
  During the following weeks, some American independent investment companies also issued negative reports on select Chinese companies, claiming that they had been “aggressively committing fraud” (see Obizuary in this month’s issue). The fallout from this news seems to have affected the share price of many “Chinese concept” stocks, even those with healthy balance sheets.
  The NASDAQ China Index, which tracks major Chinese stocks trading in the market, has dropped nearly 20% in under 40 days, from USD 243.45 on May 2 to USD 196.83 on June 10. The price of some Chinese stocks has plunged more than 50%. Most of the companies with accounting problems got their US listings through a reverse takeover (RTO), which involves less scrutiny into a company’s balance sheet than the traditional IPO process. Though it should be noted Chinese companies are not the only ones who use an RTO to obtain a stock market listing, and not all RTO-listed companies are problematic.
  According to a survey by the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, there are 159 Chinese companies that listed in the US by means of an RTO from 2007 to March 2010, three times the number of Chinese companies who launched normal IPOs in the US over the same period. “An RTO itself doesn’t create problems. Those companies each have problems for their own reasons,” says Chen Gongmeng, president of China Venture Capital Research Institute (CVCRI).
  Analysts also believe another reason for the recent fall in the share price of US-listed Chinese company shares is the short selling feature of the American capital market. According to one report from Securities Daily, a Chinese newspaper, “unlike the market in China, the short selling system allows American investors to profit even when share prices are dropping, which is one of the major reasons Chinese company stocks are suffering a continuous decline in their share prices,” says Shen, who is responsible for overseas listing firm HL Consulting.
  To mitigate the effects of the plunge in their US share price, many Chinese companies have begun a share buyback in hopes of restoring investor confidence. Statistics from ChinaVenture show that seven Chinese companies announced share buy backs in June, including NetQin (网秦), Dangdang (当当网) and Bona Film Group (博纳影业集团), all of whom first listed in the US less than a year ago. Whether the buyback programs will help burnish their image with American investors and get their stock price back on an upward course remains to be seen.
  What follows is a snapshot of three of the most dynamic sectors, Internet, Education and Alternative Energy where Chinese companies have US listings, along with a rundown of Chinese companies from all sectors with listings on US exchanges.
作为方兴未艾的新技术、新应用,IPTV如何有效保障用户体验质量?    视频QoE同QoS的对应关系    用户感知到的视频服务质量(即用户体验)易受多种因素的影响,如IPTV的收费价格、用户的期望值、用户个性化行为、网络性能和业务质量等。从技术层面分析,影响IPTV视频服务质量的因素主要包括四个组成部分,视频内容质量、IP网传输质量、视频传送流(MPEG TS)质量和用户互动质量。如1图所示,它
一、前言    一个国家并不是在所有的方面具有竞争力,而是在某一个方面形成核心竞争力,从而带动其他相关行业的发展。港口竞争力铸就国家竞争力、国家竞争力打造国家实力。中国港口业的竞争层次分为港口集团内部的竞争、港口公司间的竞争、不同地区间港口之间的竞争、区域间和国家间的竞争。此外,货主和船东的议价能力、国内和国外基金公司、投资商进入的威胁也构成了港口的立体化竞争。低成本竞争可以维持其竞争力,但却令寻
国际上著名的投行,都是顶着光环被请进中国的,就像当年的四大国际著名会计师事务所一样。现在的国际投行虽不至于让证监会给它们单开一项业务,但几乎中国企业所有的海外融资需求,都必须经过它们,则是一定的。于是随着中国企业海外融资金额的增加,以及这些企业向A股的回归,这些投行在国内普通大众的心目中,也开始有着一种莫名的影响力。  不过,水能载舟亦能覆舟。如果国际投行们不善用这样的普通大众影响力,那就迟早会有
为了顺应平板电视时代的变革,日前,康佳宣布启动“i more”战略,该战略旨在深度回归消费者理性需求,引导个性时尚需求,这将成康佳彩电未来5年追求的目标。    康佳以“i more”系统战略为纲领,基于对市场充分把脉,制定了康佳电视未来5年内的三大发展方向,一是视听核心,二是功能多元化,三是引入各种互联技术。依据这三大方向,康佳迅速率先推出“更高、更快、更强”各系列产品,双倍、四倍、八倍高清产品
华南沿海的珠江三角洲过去20年中已经成为低端产品的“世界工厂”,而现在却有成千上万家工厂弃之而去。  受困于高涨的成本和日益严格的监管,这一地区在与亚洲其他制造中心(也包括中国部分地区)的竞争中渐感吃力。新的劳动法、外资企业加重的纳税负担,以及更为严格的环保法规和日益走强的人民币,这一切都在挤占玩具、服装和家具等劳动密集型行业内中国公司的利润空间。  瑞士银行经济学家乔纳森安德森在一份报告中说,今
在全业务和融合型竞争面前,全球直播星运营商们正在施展什么新招数?    美国:移动和互动是重点:    作为世界领先的直播卫星电视运营商,DirecTV和EchoStar在美国市场推出了一系列新服务,重点是移动、互动和服务捆绑。  DirecTV在2007年春季推出全球首个便携式综合卫星直播电视系统——“DirecTV Sat-Go”(Satellite-To-Go)。  这套系统包含一台按公文包
Earlier this year when we first started talking about putting together a snapshot of Chinese companies listed on the Nasdaq and NYSE, the picture was a lot different. Looking to raise capital and some
Once considered the face of BYD, Wang Chuanfu has been keeping a lower profile these days, likely because he is busy with preparations to list the company on the A-share market.   Wang established BYD