An analysis of Culture differences between China and America

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  【Abstract】The communication between China and the rest of the world is becoming increasingly frequent with the rise of China. As one of the widely used language forms in communication, address form is inevitably affected and constrained by culture. This paper tries to explore the culture differences between China and western countries(take America as an example) through the analyses of the different address forms, and attempts to find some useful enlightenment for intercultural communication.
  【Key words】 address form; cultural difference; intercultural communication
  1. Address form
  Address form is an important linguistic category in communication. It is used to address a person in family, organizational and social life. As Zhao yuanren(1980) puts, address form is more than a grammatical unit. It has vivid social features, and it can manifest the social attributes, values about social relationships as well as traditions and cultures of the whole society. Every nation has its unique addressing system, so it is of great significance to get cultural differences via the analyses of different addressing forms.
  2. Analyses
  In terms of occasions, address forms can be classified into two categories: kinship address forms and social address forms. The following analyses are based on this classification.
  2.1 Kinship address
  Kinship addresses are terms for blood relations and for affinities. They are used between different members within a family no matter with direct or indirect relations.
  In English, the kinship address system is very simple and it covers only three generations. For older generation, there are grandmother, grandfather, granduncle and grandaunt. For parental generation, apart from mother and father, there are only uncle and aunt in English. For same generation, they use brother and sister. And for children of their uncle or aunt, they all called cousin no matter for male or female.
  While in Chinese, the address forms are much more complicated. For older generation, there are corresponding address for brothers, sisters and spouses of grandparents besides grandmother and grandfather. The same principle goes with the parental generations.
  From the above comparison, we can tell that Americans differentiate address forms by gender; while in China, different address forms are used for different ages, genders, seniority, consanguineous and affinal relations. This disparity manifests that the American culture is one which centers individuals and independence. Each person is separate and people look after only themselves and their immediate family.In this culture, equal or horizontal relationship is treasured by people and people are rather independent of each other. On the contrary, China is a typical collectivism country in which people are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups which continues throughout a lifetime to protect in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.   2.2 Social address
  Social addresses forms are used to establish, maintain and strengthen social relationships. Generally there are two types of social address: pronouns of address and nouns of address.
  Pronouns of address are those pronouns that people use to call people in stead of their names. In America, children learn to think in terms of “I” , while Chinese prefer to think in terms of ”we”. Another fact is that in English there are only one second person pronoun, but in Chinese, there are two words:Ni and Nin(Dou Weilin, 2011). The former one is used between normal relationship, the other is used when the speaker wants to show his respect to listener.
  Nouns of address includes address according to the title, professions, the relation and intimacy between the interlocutors. Contrasted with China, America has less rules or taboos. Using titles to address people is a must only in some official occasions, such as court, or congressional conferences. In other cases, it is acceptable that people call each other by names, no matter what are their social status.
  The comparison shows that American is a low power distant culture. In this culture, supervisors and managers may have power, but it is not emphasized.Power is relatively evenly distributed.While China is a high power distant culture,which means that the degree in acceptance of the fact that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally is high.In this culture, differences in organizational status and ranks are clear-cut. Employees have a great deal of respect for those in high positions.
  3. Enlightenment for intercultural communication
  In intercultural communications, the utmost important thing is that we should not assuming similarities or differences. If we do not know the culture, we better ask people rather than assuming they are the same or different. As we discussed, cultures are constantly developed and changed.We should also update the knowledge of culture differences we learn previously. We need to bear keen awareness of the current culture during intercommunication. Culture is much more complicated than we can describe verbally and the differences between Chinese and American culture discussed in this paper are only the tip of the iceberg of these two cultures. As a phenomenon of daily occurrence, intercultural communication is of great importance, but the history of its study in China is much shorter. The studies on these aspect want endless endeavors.
  [1]Fred E.Jandt. An Introduction to Intercultural communication: identities in a global community[M]. Fifth Edition. London: Sage Publications, Inc, 2007
【摘 要】尽管传统的课堂教学具有丰富的遗产和宝贵的教学经验,但传统教学局限性和不足亦十分突出。传统课堂教学的主要缺陷是信息功能弱,个别教学能力差,这些缺陷是由传统教学的传递结构所决定的,不是改变教学所能克服的,为了解决传统教学所面临的难题,为了提高教学效率。要构建现代教学模式,将传统教学方式和现代教学媒体有机结合起来,从而提高课堂效率和学生学习的热情。但是,要辩证的看待多媒体这一新鲜事物,它在优化
【要 旨】本稿は接尾辞の「ーぽい」の複合語とその意味を取り上げながら、「ーぽい」の複合語に含まれる評価は対人評価だけでなく、対物評価もあるということを分析する。その上、「ーぽい」の複合語に含まれる対人評価を分析する。  【キーワード】「ーぽい」;複合語;評価;機能  1、「ーぽい」の複合語とその意味  接尾辞の「ーぽい」は名詞·形容詞の語幹·形容動詞の語幹·動詞連用形という語基につけて事物の性質·
【摘 要】可译性与不可译性之争是翻译不可回避的话题。古往今来,中外译学界对此一直在进行不同角度的总结与探讨。不同语言因其独特的语音特征及词汇意义,使与之相关的文本某种程度上具有不可译性。本文尝试以词的多义性探讨翻译的不可能性,以揭示翻译存在的可译性限度,激励译者在不可译中寻求可译,促进翻译理论与实践的深化。  【关键词】词;多义性;不可译性  1、引言  “讨论翻译的矛盾问题,我们首先遭遇到的,便
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【Abstract】The Cooperative Principle proposed by Herbert Paul Grice is used extensively in negotiation. However, in practice, the Cooperative Principle sometimes is violated out of need. This paper ana
【摘 要】学前教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,对于幼儿园的小朋友来说,教学体系的好坏,从一定程度上能影响小朋友的一生。改革开放以来,我国的教育事业发生着翻天覆地的变化,教育部门和学生家长对学前教育越来越重视,幼儿园的教学体系也在不断的完善。但是现今的学前教育中仍存在着一些问题,笔者从事学前教育工作多年,了解平时教学中存在的一些问题。文章针对幼儿园中班教学中存在的几个问题,给出几点解决方案。  【关键
【摘 要】《牧童短笛》这首钢琴曲是由我国著名的作曲家贺绿汀在上个世纪的三十年代所创作出来的一首复调式写法的中国风格的一首乐曲,该曲它富有浓郁的民族风格以及鲜明的地方色彩,并且将欧洲的音乐理论和中国的民族音乐传统结合在了一起,可以说是把中西双方的音乐风格集于一身的一首作品。《牧童短笛》为我国的民族音乐带来了一个新的思路,并且对我国的钢琴曲创作领域产生了较为深远的影响,也是中国钢琴领域的一个新的起点。
【摘 要】近年来,来华学习中医药专业的留学生逐年增多,留学生在完成汉语进修后进入中医专业学习,普遍感到中医专业词汇难以理解,这严重阻碍了中医专业学习的深入。本文通过问卷的形式,对天津中医药大学国际教育学院中医专业留学生进行调研,统计留学生中医专业词汇的学习难点,并分析难点产生的原因以及学习方法存在的缺陷。  【关键词】留学生;中医专业词汇;学习难点  近年来,随着世界“中医热”的升温,来华学习中医
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【摘 要】校企合作人才培养模式近年来逐渐成为我国高等职业教育的主流模式。分析了我国高等职业教育校企合作模式的现状和存在的问题,提出了完善高等职业教育校企合作人才培养模式的对策。  【关键词】高等职业教育;校企合作;人才培养模式  校企合作是学校与企业共同合作教育的简称,以社会需求为导向的职业教育运行机制。其内涵是企业与学校在技术资源、师资培养、课堂教学、学生就业、岗位培训、科研领域等方面进行全方位