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  Daniel Seddiqui is sorting grapes at a Napa winery this week注1, his last job in a journey that has taken him through all 50 states over the past 12 months, working one week in each state in a different occupation chosen to reflect the local culture.
  The 27-year-old Los Altos native, who has caught lobsters in Maine and taught surfing in Hawaii, started his unusual quest last September (2008) after three 1)frustrating years during which he could not find a professional job after earning an 2)undergraduate degree in economics.
  “I failed 40 interviews straight out of college,” he said during a lunch break interview at the
  Domaine Carneros Winery, where he is helping out during the busy harvest season. “It was an
  embarrassment to me and my family.”
  Now Seddiqui, who has 3)chronicled his 50-job trek on a website, Livingthemap.com, plans to write a book about his experiences to inspire students and job seekers of all ages to test different occupations before settling on a career.
  “You have to have a 4)Plan B in case your degree doesn’t get you the job you think,” he said.
  Finding weeklong work 5)stints became easier as Seddiqui gathered publicity for his 50-state tour.
  However, the attention Seddiqui is enjoying now is the 6)culmination of years of disappointment that began after his graduation from the University of Southern California in May 2005, when he had no luck finding a position in business.
  Over the next three years, Seddiqui said he got one brief, paid position and two unpaid 7)internships, lived in five states, and supported himself doing 8)odd jobs and living with his parents at times.
  Shortly after his second volunteer coaching stint ended in April 2008, leaving him in Charlottesville, Virginia, he got the idea to work different jobs in every state and began laying the groundwork for the trip he is now finishing.
  “Ever since, there was nothing that was going to stop me from fulfilling this mission of mine,” he said.
  His father, Fred Seddiqui, a 57-year old Silicon Valley 9)entrepreneur in the medical 10)device
  industry, said in a phone interview that he is very proud of Daniel now, but thought the idea 11)kooky at the time and refused to lend him any money.
  “I told him if you are really meant to do this thing and if you are really passionate, you will find a way to support yourself,” he said.
  Mother Supportive
  Daniel’s mother, Kathy Seddiqui, 54, an 12)administrative assistant with the Institute for the
  Future in Palo Alto, said she wanted to believe 13)from the outset that her son could 14)pull it off.
  “I guess that’s usually the way it is: the father is more 15)skeptical, and the mother tries to support the kids,” she said.
  Seddiqui started his first job in September, 2008, helping a charity in Utah create disaster relief 16)kits. He said he lined up 15 jobs at the outset, and then worked hard while on the road lining up weeklong work opportunities in other states.
  One of the hardest jobs to land, he said, was working at a furniture factory in Pennsylvania, because it had no phones and he had to make arrangements through the furniture stores.
  “I’ve been rejected 5,000 times throughout this journey,” he said.
  Trish Mowry, owner of Metal Craft Machine & Engineering in Elk River, Minnesota, said she liked the sound of Seddiqui’s project when he phoned her.
  “His 17)plight was very interesting to me, and I imagined there were a lot of people in the same
  position,” said Mowry, adding that Seddiqui earned about $800 for his week’s work.
  Lobsterman Tough Job
  Seddiqui said he was paid for all but a few of the jobs, and earned enough to cover his living and travel expenses.
  His most 18)grueling position was as a lobsterman in Maine, where he got seasick and had to stay on land building traps.
  But he also poured drinks on Bourbon Street in New Orleans during Mardi Gras注2, worked in a
  wedding 19)chapel in Las Vegas, and served as a border 20)patrol agent in Arizona.
  In addition to writing a book, Seddiqui said he wants to create a lecture 21)circuit to share his
  experiences with students – a plan that got a 22)boost when his 23)alma mater recently invited him to address incoming students.
  Seddiqui, who thinks his quest has created enough projects to keep him busy for the next five years, is also 24)hatching a plan to create a one-25)semester course for high schools and colleges to give students 26)credit for working two-week turns at five different jobs.
  “You have to try different jobs before you settle on a career,” he said. “You’ll never know unless you try.”
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