Identification of biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma by semiquantitative immunocytochemistry

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zengdf
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AIM:To investigate the expression of key biomarkers in hepatoma cell lines,tumor cells from patients’blood samples,and tumor tissues.METHODS:We performed the biomarker tests in two steps.First,cells plated on coverslips were used to assess biomarkers,and fluorescence intensities were calculated using the NIH Image J software.The measured values were analyzed using the SPSS19.0 software to make comparisons among eight cell lines.Second,eighty-four individual samples were used to assess the biomarkers’expression.Negative enrichment of the blood samples was performed,and karyocytes were isolated and dropped onto pretreated glass slides for further analysis by immunofluorescence staining.Fluorescence intensities were compared among hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)patients,chronic HBV-infected patients,and healthy controls following methods similar to those used for cell lines.The relationships between the expression of biomarkers and clinical pathological parameters were analyzed by Spearman rank correlation tests.In addition,we studied the distinct biomarkers’expression with three-dimensional laser confocal microscopy reconstructions,and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was performed to understand the clinical significance of these biomarkers.RESULTS:Microscopic examination and fluorescence intensity calculations indicated that cytokeratin 8/18/19(CK)expression was significantly higher in six of the seven HCC cell lines examined than in the control cells,and the expression levels of asialoglycoprotein receptor(ASGPR)and glypican-3(GPC3)were higher in all seven HCC cell lines than in the control.Cells obtained from HCC patients’blood samples also displayed significantly higher expression levels of ASGPR,GPC3,and CK than cells from chronic HBV-infected patients or healthy controls;these proteins may be valuable surface biomarkers for identifying HCC circulating tumor cells isolated and enriched from the blood samples.The stem cell-like and epithelial-mesenchymal transition-related biomarkers could be detected on the karyocyte slides.ASGPR and GPC3 were expressed at high levels,and thus three-dimensional reconstructions were used to observe their expression in detail.This analysis indicated that GPC3 was localized in the cytoplasm and membrane,but that ASGPR had a polar localization.Survival analyses showed that expression of GPC3 and ASGPR is associated with a patient’s overall survival(OS).CONCLUSION:ASGPR,GPC3,and CK may be valuable HCC biomarkers for CTC detection;the expression of ASGPR and GPC3 might be helpful for understanding patients’OS. AIM: To investigate the expression of key biomarkers in hepatoma cell lines, tumor cells from patients’ blood samples, and tumor tissues. METHODS: We performed the biomarker tests in two steps. First, cells plated on coverslips were used to assess biomarkers, and The fluorescence intensities were calculated using the NIH Image J software. The measured values ​​were analyzed using the SPSS 19.0 software to make comparisons among eight cell lines. Second, eighty-four individual samples were used to assess the biomarkers’expression.Negative enrichment of the blood samples was performed, and karyocytes were isolated and dropped onto pretreated glass slides for further analysis by immunofluorescence staining. Fluorescence intensities were compared among hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients, chronic HBV-infected patients, and healthy controls following methods similar to those used for cell lines. The relationships between the expression of biomarkers and clinical pathological parameters were analyzed by Spear man rank correlation tests. In addition, we studied the distinct biomarkers’expression with three-dimensional laser confocal microscopy reconstructions, and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was performed to understand the clinical significance of these biomarkers .RESULTS: Microscopic examination and fluorescence intensity calculations that cytokeratin 8/18/19 (CK) expression was significantly higher in six of the seven HCC cell lines examined than in the control cells, and the expression levels of asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) and glypican-3 (GPC3) were higher in all Seven HCC cell lines than in the control. Cells acquired from HCC patients’ blood samples also displayed significantly higher expression levels of ASGPR, GPC3, and CK than cells from chronic HBV-infected patients or healthy controls; these proteins may be valuable surface biomarkers for identifying HCC circulating tumor cells isolated and enriched from the blood samples. stem cell-like and epithelial-mesenchymal trans ition-related biomarkers could be detected on the karyocyte slides. ASGPR and GPC3 were expressed at high levels, and thus three-dimensional reconstructions were used to observe their expression in detail. This analysis shows that GPC3 was localized in the cytoplasm and membrane, but that ASGPR had a polar localization. Survival analyzes showed that expression of GPC3 and ASGPR is associated with a patient’s overall survival (OS) .CONCLUSION: ASGPR, GPC3, and CK may be valuable HCC biomarkers for CTC detection; the expression of ASGPR and GPC3 might be helpful for understanding patients’OS.
[摘要]“品德与生活”“品德与社会”的教学模式可总结为:创设情境,导入新课;自主学习,探究体验;合作交流,深化认识;总结归纳,践行拓展。教师要根据教学内容和学生的认知特点,在课堂上适当地创设巧妙的情境,启迪学生思维,激发学生求知欲,充分调动学生自主学习的能动性,真正让学生动起来,在活动中自觉地掌握知识、升华情感,并在实际生活中践行,进而提高教学实效,达到课堂高效。  [关键词]品德与生活;品德与社
[摘要]《基础学校——一个学习化的社区大家庭》是美国著名教育家厄内斯特·波伊尔博士的力作,在本书中,他为美国的基础学校描绘了一幅蓝图。其中,第三章的标题是良好的学习环境,包括:一、与目的相符的教学方式;二、丰富的学习资源;三、为孩子们提供各种服务。  [关键词]基础学校;学习环境;感想  [中图分类号]G623  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]29-372(23)23-4-4  [作者简介]孙明
[摘要]教师优美的教学语言是提高教学质量和教学效率的重要保证。中学课堂中,教师的教学语言一定要准确规范、通俗易懂、幽默生动、含蓄简练、灵活多变。  [关键词]教学语言;中学课堂;教学质量  [中图分类号]G623  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]29-372(23)23-22-3  [作者简介]孙艳利(983—),女,山东陵县人,山东省德州市陵县教育局教研室教研员,中学二级。  著名教育学家夸美
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[摘要]新课程改革以来,为建设开放的语文课堂,教师在课堂中常常进行多角度、多形式的拓展,不少课堂表面热闹,实则无效。在进行拓展时,教师要根据教学目标,立足文本,从学生实际出发,合理选择拓展的内容,采取恰当的形式,把握好拓展的度,避免盲目性、随意性。适度的拓展要对学生理解文章内容,体会文章表达的情感,掌握阅读的方法,提高语言表达能力,开阔视野等方面产生积极的作用,这样才能使课堂更有效。  [关键词]