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  At 96 and 95 years old,Edith Hill and Eddie Harrison are happy newlyweds,but their recent marriage after 10 years together is not without controversy.Edith has 2)dementia,and some of her relatives want the marriage 3)annulled claiming the union complicates issues with her care,living situation and estate.Attorney Jean Galloway Ball is an expert in Elder law.She says the key question is whether Edith had sufficient capacity to enter into a marriage.
  Jean Galloway Ball(Attorney): Capacity’s not a light switch.You don’t turn it on or off.You can have capacity for one thing and not for another thing.So,I think,from that standpoint,it creates some interesting legal issues for a court in trying to decide is this marriage valid or not.
  Ironically,the couple would have faced a different legal issue,had they met in their 20s,30s or even their 40s,before the Supreme Court over-ruled Virginia’s ban on inter-racial marriage.Eddie: We see hearts.We don’t see color.I’ve been looking at her and don’t see no difference in her than me.
  One of Hill’s daughters,Rebecca Wright,fully supports her mother’s new marriage.She helped facilitate the wedding 4)presided over by a 95-year-old church elder.
  Rebecca: It helps her to care for him,and it helps him to care for her.She’s never been happier than she is today being married to him.
  A judge has appointed a lawyer to assume guardianship of Hill,and investigate the marriage to assure Hill’s interests are protected.
  Jean: If a court would find that she had…had the true intent here to marry this person,and that clearly was what she wanted,then I would think they would be faced with 5)sustaining the marriage.
  Edith: Unless he changed now,but I don’t think there’ll be any change in him.He’s a good man.He’s a good husband.I’ll tell the whole world about that.
  No matter the legal outcome,Eddie and Edith plan to make the most of every day they have together.Edith: I’m gonna keep him.I’m gonna keep him.   希尔的其中一个女儿丽贝卡·赖特非常支持母亲的新姻缘。他们的婚礼由一位95岁的教会长老主持,她也出了不少力。

  新闻词汇加油站 与结婚相关的词汇
  best man 伴郎
  bride 新娘
  bridesmaid 女傧相
  emcee 司仪
  flower boy/girl 花童
  groom 新郎
  groomsman 男傧相
  maid of honor 伴娘
  officiator 主婚人
  pastor 牧师
  vows 婚誓
  wedding banquet/feast 喜宴
  wedding candy 喜糖
  wedding card 喜贴
  wedding ceremony 婚礼
  wedding dress 婚纱
  wedding march 婚礼进行曲
  wedding planning 婚庆策划
  wedding ring 结婚戒指
  blind date 相亲
  bridal chamber 新房
  bride price 聘礼
  cohabitation 同居
  dowry 嫁妆
  fiancé 未婚夫
  fiancée 未婚妻
  matchmaker 红娘,媒人
  propose 求婚
  bachelor party 男生单身派对
  wedding shower 女生单身派对
  father-in-law 丈人,公公
  mother-in-law 丈母,婆婆
  brother-in-law 大伯,小叔,内兄/弟
  sister-in-law 嫂子,小姑,弟媳,妯娌
  in-law 姻亲
  spouse 配偶
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