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  I will never forget my first chemistry teacher. He was a little man with thick glasses,but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. And his lessons were not easily forgotten.
  I still remember one of my lessons from this teacher. After the students were all in the lab,the teacher brought out three bottles. One was filled with petrol,one with castor oil and one with vinegar.“Now watch carefully,”said the teacher.
  He then filled a cup with some of the petrol,some of the castor oil and some of the vinegar. As the students watched him quietly,he mixed the three together. After that,he held up one of his fingers and showed it to the class. He then dipped it into the cup. After a few seconds he took his finger out.“Now watch,”he said. “Remember,you must do everything as I do.”
  He put a finger in his mouth,tasted it and smiled,looking rather pleased. Then he handed the cup around the class of students. Each student dipped a finger into the mixture and sucked it. Instead of smiling,each of them made a face. The mixture tasted terrible.
  When the cup was at last returned to the teacher,he said sadly,“I’m sorry,none of you watched carefully enough,Yes,I sucked a finger,but the finger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup.”
  It was my first important lesson as a student of chemistry and I never forgot it.
  (词数:261; 时间:4分钟)
  1. What did the writer’s first chemistry teacher look like?
  A. He liked to make his lessons lively and interesting.
  B. He had a strange way to make his lessons uneasy to forget.
  C. He was a little man with thick glasses.
  D. He liked to make fun of students.
  2. The teacher put a finger into the mixture,then__________.
  A. put another finger into his mouth
  B. put the same finger into his mouth
  C. put all his fingers into his mouth
  D. put another finger into his pocket
  3. The passage implied but did not state directly that_________.
  A. students should take oil,castor oil and vinegar when having a chemistry class
  B. students always have to taste some mixture during a chemistry class
  C. students like to taste mixture during a chemistry class
  D. students should observe the teacher carefully in a chemistry class
  4. We can infer from the passage that_________.
  A. the writer’s first chemistry teacher was funny-looking
  B. the writer’s first chemistry teacher taught very well
  C. the writer’s first chemistry teacher liked to taste mixture
  D. the writer’s first chemistry teacher liked to make fun of the students
  Key: 1—4 CADB
  “More people in the USA can buy a gun and more people die by the gun than in any other country in the world.”This is what appeared in an American newspaper in December 1980,after the murder in New York of John Lennon,the British pop-star. His murder shocked the Americans,of whom the huge majorities are peace-loving and non-violent. However,most Americans today admit that they may possibly be mugged some time during their lives. In 1980 there were about 23,000 murders in the USA. At the root of this violence is the gun which Americans can buy and keep in their homes as easily as if it was a toy weapon.
  There are gun stores pretty well everywhere. And you can get a license easily. You don’t even have to say what you want it for. John Lennon’s murderer just walked into a gun store and bought a revolver—no questions having been asked. You could even buy guns by mail-order.
  So the result is violence and murder. New York is a wonderful city,but male New Yorkers between the age of 21 and 44 are more likely to be murdered than to die of any other cause. And murders take place mainly in poor districts—in Harlem,and in parts of the Bronx,and on the West Side of Manhattan. Most of the murders are gangsters killing gangsters. Sometimes people even get mugged in the centre of Manhattan,in their own flats. Maybe this is why people have chains and peep-holes on their doors,and sometimes a locked turnstile(入口处的旋转式栅门)and an armed security guard downstairs. But still they do not feel safe.
  1. The passage mainly talked about___________.
  A. guns and the results they bring in America
  B. guns and murders they cause in America
  C. guns and their owners
  D. guns and Americans’life
  2. Which of the following shows the relations between guns and the results they caused?
  A. The more guns are,the safer the society is.
  B. The more guns are,the more money people will earn.
  C. The more guns are,the more the violence and murder is.
  D. The more guns are,the more gangsters kill gangsters.
  3. According to the writer,which of the following is the main element to make American society safer?
  A. Reducing guns’production and sale.
  B. There should be more policemen.
  C. People should make their doors stronger.
  D. You’d better take a young male to protect you when you go out.
  4. The writer implied,but didn’t say directly that robberies mainly take place _______ .
  A. with the help of the local police
  B. with hands bare
  C. with the help of the robbers’friends
  D. with guns in the robbers’hands
  Key: 1—4 ACAD
  In the 1950s Walt Disney began to branch out into other areas of entertainment. He began a long-running television series. And he opened the first of his famous amusement parks,Disneyland. Disneyland was the realization of an idea which Disney had years before when he had taken his daughters to local amusement parks or playgrounds. He wanted to build an amusement park at which adults could enjoy themselves as much as the children. Disney believed the park should be circled by a railroad train and consist of separate areas each identified by a single theme. He recognized that people had to be kept moving in the park. This meant different attractions had to be located in such a way as to act as a magnet in attracting the park visitors. Disney characters and references to Disney movies would be throughout the park.
  A site was located in southern California. Since the park opened in 1955,it has become a part of the itinerary(旅行路线)of nearly every traveler visiting California for the first time. An average of 50,000 visitors come to the park each day. Built almost like a movie lot,Disneyland’s streets consists of facades(建筑物的正面)which open into rides,entertainment areas,stores,and restaurants. It delights the imagination of millions of men,women,and children who have even spent a day there.
  With the success of Disneyland clearly established,Walt Disney began thinking of building a second park that would be available to the people on the east coast of the United States. He did not want to duplicate Disneyland,but rather create a complete vacationland in addition to the amusement complex which would be the core of the new park.
  But Disney himself would not live to see his second park open. He died on December 15,1966,in a hospital directly across the street from his studio. The work which Walt Disney began continues today. Walt Disney World was opened in 1971 by Roy Disney. The first Disneyland outside of the United States was opened in Japan in 1983. The Disney Studio produces live action films regularly,and feature-length cartoons,cinematic jewels in the Disney Legacy,have periodically been produced. Like few other people,Walt Disney succeeded in making his dreams come true.
  1. Which of the following description about the first Disneyland is not true?
  A. In Disneyland adults can enjoy themselves as much as the children.
  B. In Disneyland different attractions act as a magnet in attracting the park visitors.
  C. Disneyland is a complete vacationland with amusement complex.
  D. Disney characters and references to Disney movies would be throughout the park.
  2. People who have spent a day in Disneyland _______ .
  A. will delight their imagination
  B. will not want to go back
  C. will attend live action films
  D. will die there
  3. According to the passage,how many Disneylands have been built throughout the world?
  A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 5.
  4. According to the passage,Disneyland _______ .
  A. is an international park
  B. is a great success
  C. is a complete vacationland
  D. is a movie lot
  Key: 1—4 CACB
“定语从句”是中学英语学习的一个重点和难点,也是高考高频考点之一,每年都没有考题。纵观近几年的高考试题,我们不难发现,对where引导的定语从句的考查颇多,但是考生答得都不是很理想。我们知道,用关系副词where引导定语从句时,先行词常为表“地点”的名词,并且近几年有一些高考题也是这样命题和考查的。    注:“本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以pdf格式阅读原文。”
请看湖南2008年高考试卷单项填空中的两道题(保持原题序号):    注:“本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以pdf格式阅读原文。”
先看2008年高考江苏卷的英语语言知识运用中的第30小题:    注:“本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以pdf格式阅读原文。”
在高考中,对“be + 过去分词 + 介词”的非谓语形式的考查真是屡见不鲜,用传统的思维模式解决这类问题颇感棘手,但在引入其非谓语形式这一创新思维模式后,这类问题就会迎刃而解,收到事半功倍的效果  英语中,由be/get + 过去分词 + 介词构成的短语动词,如果带上be/get就构成谓语形式;如果去掉be/get就构成非谓语形式,其常可以作如下成分:  1. 作状语:  Faced with t
【命题】  总想对你说  【要求】  (1)写一篇不少于800字的文章。  (2)文体不限。  【提示】  (1)注意对文题中“你”的定位。  (2)应尽量避开写很普通的话题,比如对父母说“谢谢你”“对不起”“我爱你们”之类的,如果很想写这一题材,也可以考虑换个角度来表述。比如不是“我”对“父母”说什么,而是以“父母”的口吻来诉说,他们总想对“我”说些什么,可是“我”却总嫌他们太啰嗦,从没有给他们
首先应该指出来的是,文言文应考,最根本的是实实在在读了大量文言文,字字落实,句句翻译,篇篇到位。这最主要的是指教材,也指一部分课外文言文。在这个基础上,再有一定量的泛读。如此,不愁应考不成功。在这个基础上,我们再讲一点方法。  (一)以形析义法。  汉字是表意文字,一个汉字的形体构造常常与这个汉字初始所表示的词义有或近或远的关系。汉字中的形声字占80%以上,其义符也为我们领悟词义提供了有利条件。我
先看三道考查case短语的试题:  1. Leave your key with a neighbor ________ you lock yourself out one day.(2007北京卷)  A. ever since B. even if C. soon after D. in case  2. ________ fire, all exits must be kept clear.
“that”在英语中用作连词,可引导名词性从句,即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句,也可作关系代词引导定语从句,还用于强调句型中。其中,用于强调句、引导同位语从句是高考中的重点。    注:“本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以pdf格式阅读原文。”