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  Parties, drinking, eating—oh, and working—all help pass the time, but deep down there’s something you’re really eager to find, but you can’t quite put your finger on. What you have been looking for, my friend, is the chance to throw yourself into the world of University Societies, and discover the huge range of activities which thrive1 in a city like Oxford.
  Whether you want to pursue an existing interest or develop new ones, your first move should be to check out the bewilderingly2 large array of clubs at the OUSU(Oxford University Student Union)Freshers’ Fair. With your Freshers’3 Fair ticket, you can get your hands on a brand-new edition of the comprehensive4 guide to all things at Oxford. If you miss the Fair, don’t despair: you can see what societies are offered in the Oxford Directory, a handbook issued to you in Freshers’ Week. Take a while to browse5 through—it’s your one major chance to find out about what goes on in the University.
  Societies offer a great chance to meet people from outside college, which, especially for arts students, is something it is sometimes difficult to do. But don’t forget that most colleges have their own flourishing6 societies, which you may be able to join in your college during Freshers’ Week. Music and drama are often popular and it is very easy to get some mates together and start something up. If you have ambitions7 to open up your new Shakespearian Rap Society to the whole University, you can register it with the University Proctors, who give out start-up grants and loans, among other benefits.
  With over 300 registered societies there really is something for everyone. Apart from the obvious political parties and sports clubs there are groups for all the main religions; societies interested in the society and culture of countries from China to Bulgaria, and UK regions from Scotland to Essex; charities8 for those interested in voluntary work, literature, music, drama and sci-fi; and a fair number of strange groups such as the LMH Pudding Society, the Oxford Stunt Factory and the Pooh Sticks Society. You won’t get bored.

  黄春宝 选自Experiencing English
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