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  一、 Riddles开心谜语
  Here are two riddles , in which words have more than one meaning. Be careful!
  1. Why did the boy put his radio in the refrigerator?
  Answer: He wanted to hear cool music.
  Cool has two meanings. It can mean “somewhat cold”. In everyday speech, cool can also mean “wonderful, exciting, great”.
  cool这个词有两个意思。它可以表示“有点冷的”。在日常生活中,cool还可表示“好极了;令人兴奋的;很棒的 ”。
  A: Wow! What a great song!
  B: You said it! This station plays really cool music. I could listen for hours.
  A: Me too. Hey, tell you what , let me get us a nice, cool drink from the fridge, and we can just sit back and listen for awhile.
  B: Cool !Sounds like a great idea!
  A: 哇!多棒的一首歌啊!
  B: 是啊!这个电台播放的音乐都很酷。我听几个小时都不会厌烦。
  A: 我也是。嗨,告诉你吧,我要去从冰箱里拿一些好喝又清凉的饮料来,我们可以休息一下,好好听一会儿。
  B: 太棒了!听起来真是个绝妙的主意!
  2. What kind of cake tastes awful?
  Answer: A cake of soup.
  A cake is a baked sweet made from flour, eggs, and other ingredients. A bar of soap can also be referred to as a cake of soap. cake 是用面粉﹑鸡蛋和其他配料烘制成的甜点。而一块肥皂也可以叫做a cake of soap。
  A: Hi, Jane. Where are you off to?
  B: Oh, I’m going to the bakery to pick up a birthday cake for my son. How about you?
  A: I’m heading for the drug store. I need a couple of cakes of soap, some baby powder , and some aspirin.
  A: 嗨,简。你要去哪儿?
  B: 噢,我要去面包店给我的儿子取生日蛋糕。你呢?A: 我要去杂货店。我需要两块肥皂、一些婴儿爽身粉和一些阿斯匹林。
  张卓 摘自《美国谜语101则》
  二、 与狗相关的一些英语谚语和短语
  1. a lucky dog 幸运儿
  2. lead a dog’s life 过着烦忧的日子
  3. not have a dog’s chance 毫无机会
  4. top dog 当权派
  5. treat sb like a dog 不把某人当人看
  6. a lazy dog 懒汉
  7. a gay dog 一个快乐的人
  8. dog-days三伏天;大热天;无所作为的时期;无精打采的日子
  9. as (like) a dog with two tails非常开心
  10. A good dog deserves a good bone.好狗应该啃好骨头;有功者受赏。
  11. A living dog is better than a dead lion.死狮不如活狗。
  12. An old dog will learn no new tricks. ( You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.) 老狗学不了新把戏。
  13. Barking dogs seldom bite.爱叫的狗不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿。
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