德育有序 育人有路——访吉安市新村小学

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在社会主义初级阶段,如何认识德育在学校教育工作中的地位和作用,如何科学地对小学生进行思想品德教育,吉安市新村小学认真地进行了思考和探索,三年来的实践,为我们作出了很好的回答。 一个差生和一个差班引起的反思 由于受片面追求升学率、单纯升学教育气候的影响,新村小学曾一度忽视德育,把德育工作当作“软任务”,而把升学当作“硬任务”。致使学生德育素质下降,差生越来越差,差生越来越多。尤其令人震惊的是有一个四年级学生,原来是学习尖子。由于学习成绩好,老师“捧”,家长“宠”,亲友“夸”。他得意了,渐渐地骄傲起来。他心中只有自己,自私,不守纪律,贪吃零食。但学习一好遮百丑。这些不良习气都被认为是区区小事,无足挂齿。老师原谅,家长迁就。后来他沦为双差生,发展到打架斗 In the primary stage of socialism, how do we understand the role and role of moral education in school education, how to scientifically conduct ideological and moral education for primary school students, and seriously consider and explore Xinan Primary School in Ji’an City. The practice in the past three years has made us Very good answer. Reflections on a poor student and a bad class Due to the unilateral pursuit of higher education rates and a purely educational climate, Xincun Elementary School once neglected moral education, considered moral education as a “soft task,” and regarded it as a “hard task.” As a result, the quality of students’ moral education has declined, and poor students have become worse and poorer students have become increasingly poor students. What is particularly shocking is that there is a fourth-year student who was originally a top-notch student. Due to good academic performance, the teacher “holds” and parents “spoil”, and friends and relatives “know.” He became proud and gradually became proud. He only has his own self, selfish, undisciplined, and greedy for snacks. However, learning is a good one. These bad habits are considered to be trivial matters and there are no enough teeth. The teacher forgave, parents relocated. Later, he became a poor student and developed a fight fight.
【总体阅读思考】 1、这篇介绍海洋知识的说明文,立意深、构思巧、写法活,仔细阅读课文,说说作者是怎样做到这一点的? 2.说明的序列有时间式、空间式、程序式、并列式、推进
一、填空 1.我国最长的双线铁路隧道大瑶山隧道于1987年5月6日胜利贯通。广东大亚湾核电站主体工程8月正式开工。 2.1987年5月6日至6月2日我国大兴安岭林区发生特大火灾,造成
目前,农村有些学校开展了,“课前一首歌”活动,利用上课前两三分钟,由学生干部组织全班学生唱一首好的歌曲。这种做法很好,其主要 At present, some schools in rural areas have