深化新课改 培养自学能力

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在实施新课改教育的今天,我认为行之有效的方法还是提倡培养学生的主动的自学能力。所谓自学就是在课堂教学中,尽量让学生观察和思考尽量让学生表达和动脑动手去操作,使学生积极主动地发现问题、质疑问题,然后共同解决问题,进一步探讨解决问题的方法。通过学生的观察和思考发现出来的问题,教师再进行钻研然后教师“对症下药”。这样既调动学生的学习积极性,又能达到我们所提倡的“精讲多练”的目的,从而提高了课堂教学的效果,也使学生的自学能力有所提高,这本身就是实施新课改的目的所在。也许有人认为,初中学生不具备自学能力,这种方法行不通。但我却不这么认为。如果教师不在课堂上培养学生的自学能力,那么学生何时才 Today, in implementing the new curriculum reform education, I think the effective method is to promote students’ initiative self-learning ability. The so-called self-study is in the classroom teaching, as far as possible to allow students to observe and think as much as possible so that students express and brains to operate, so that students actively proactively identify problems and question the problem, and then jointly solve the problem and further explore ways to solve the problem. Through the students’ observations and reflections on the problems that they discovered, the teacher then studies and then the teacher “prescribes the right medicine.” This will not only mobilize the students’ enthusiasm for learning, but also achieve the purpose of “speech and practice” advocated by us. This will increase the effectiveness of classroom teaching and will also increase students’ self-learning ability. This is in itself the implementation of the new curriculum. The purpose of the change is. Some people may think that junior high school students do not have the ability to study independently. This method does not work. But I don’t think so. If the teacher does not develop the student’s self-learning ability in the classroom, then when will the student
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1  曾听人说,女人如果只有一个名牌手包,那还不如没有的好。因为旁人若不是见你手上一年半载雷打不动全是它,反倒不会看清你的捉襟见肘。  读书少的人也有同样的苦恼。所以见到两脚书柜般的职业读书者,我一般是选择闭嘴。否则,谈来谈去就是那几本,很容易露馅。还不如做个宁愿委屈自己的懂事太太,咬紧牙关淡淡说一句:“我不是很喜欢这些奢侈品牌。”  可惜,懂得这道理时,已经晚了。熟悉的朋友对我读过哪几位作家了如
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大权在握  57岁的曲连文在案发前,担任郑州市二七区委常委、统战部部长,还是郑州市政协委员。  作为一个农家孩子,曲连文的人生转轨从当兵开始,从普通战士一直干到副政委的位置。1996年4月,曲连文任郑州市二七区人武部政委。7年后曲连文转业到郑州市二七区。  随着郑州发展重心的转移,加上郑州市总体规划的限制,二七区决定改造旧城,建设二七新城。近年来,二七区的城市建设如火如荼。  不管旧城改造,还是新