提笔写作,思想感情的表达有赖于标点符号,逗号是其中最常用且用途甚广的一种。本文想谈谈用逗号时可能遇到的问题。1.逗号连接错误及其改正方法用逗号连接在意思上可单独成立的两个分句,是标点错误,这种错误又叫做“用逗号连接两个并列分句的错误”(comma splice)。因此,会造成一些句子不好懂,如:We couldn’t decide upon a new car,there weremany attractive models. 我们决定不了选购什么样的新汽车,有许多好的式样。
The writing of pens, the expression of thoughts and feelings depends on punctuation, and the comma is one of the most commonly used and widely used ones. This article would like to talk about issues that may be encountered when using commas. 1. Comma Connection Errors and Corrective Actions The use of commas to connect two clauses that can be established independently means that they are punctuation errors. This type of error is also called “comma splice” where two parallel clauses are connected by a comma. Therefore, some sentences may not be well-understood, such as: We couldn’t decide upon a new car, there were attractive models. We could not decide what kind of new car to buy, there are many good styles.