How to improve English reading

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  【Abstract】this paper mainly describes how to improve English reading ability of a number of skills and methods.Mainly from a psychological reading, reading and motivated to carry out the method of analysis, the use of appropriate methods and techniques to improve their reading ability.
  【Key words】readingabilityskillimproveimportant
  【中圖分类号】G623.31【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-0212-02
  Modern science and technology are developing rapidly throughout the world. Someone says:”English and computers are your right and left hands in today’s society.” So studying English well is becoming more and more important,especially for the students. Reading is extremely important for studying English well.
  There are many reasons why getting students to read English text is an important part of the teacher’s job.In the first place, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their careers,for study purposes or simply for pleasure.Reading texts also provide good models for English writing.Reading texts also provide opportunities to study language:vocabulary,grammar,punctuation,and the way we construct sentences,paragraphs and texts.Lastly,good reading texts can introduce interesting topics,stimulate discussion,excite imaginative responses.
  How do students study well English reading,here are some advice:
  1 Find out the topic sentence
  The main idea or the most important idea in your reading material is usually expressed by the topic sentence, and then sentence are to explain, develop or support it. The main idea, therefore ,give the aim and direction of the writing, a topic sentence is the most powerful sentence in the paragraph. To find such a sentence as you read a paragraph , you need to ask yourself, “what sentence or sentences state the biggest, most general idea about he subject under discussion in the paragraph?” when you have this sentence or these sentences, you have been found the thought that lies the details together. Because the main sentence the main idea sentence is usually the most general statement in a paragraph or an article. It is the idea expressed in the specific sentences. These sentence give the details. So it is good to know the relationship of the details to the main idea.
  2 Skimming and scanning
  Skimming and scanning are skills for making fast search for information.
  Skimming :
  Skimming is a way of reading materials quickly, in order to look for a general idea, especially when we try to decide whether careful reading would be desirable or when there is not enough time to read carefully. This skill-type reading can be used when reading newspapers, magazines, novels and the like, which can not only enlarge horizon but also bring enjoyment of language.[8] But how can we skim? Force your eyes to move fast. Sweep across each and every line. Pick up only a few key words in each line. You and I may not pick up exactly the same words when we skim the same piece, but we'11 both get a pretty similar idea of what it's all about. As we begin to skim a passage, we should read the first paragraph at normal speed all the way through. Because the opening paragraph contains an introduction or overview of what will be talked about. Then, from the second paragraph on, we can only read as much of each paragraph as we have to in order to discover whether it contains a main idea or any important details. We skip over the parts, which are nonessential to us until we reach the ending paragraphs, which we should read more carefully because they often contain a summary. This skill of reading is widely used when one read an exposition or an essay. When one begins to practice skimming, one may find that it is not faster than normal reading. However, with a little practice one should be able to cover materials at two or four times the rate of normal reading, with comprehension that will be enough for one's purposes.
【摘要】在美术教学中,始终把修身放在激兴、练笔、创意全过程中,使学生练意志、练毅力、练技巧、练人格。通过美术教学,撷自然美、缀生活美、育心灵美,促进学生德、智、体、美、劳全面发展。  【关键词】美术;创意;修身;发展  【中图分类号】G613.6【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-0222-01    美术课教育是对学生进行素质教育的重要途径之一。也是开发智力,发展学
【摘要】体育后进生是指体质差、基础差、技术差、对体育缺少兴趣的学生。体育后进生产生的原因有运动能力、先天缺陷、思想认识等因素。其心理特征表现为学习动力不足、缺乏积极的情感体验、意志品质薄弱等。转化体育后进生首先要提高学生的体育思想认识,其次要真心地关爱学生,第三,给体育后进生以特殊照顾。  【关键词】体育后进生;原因;心理特征;转化工作  【中图分类号】G633.96【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】
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【摘要】色彩是工笔画重要的表现语言。传统工笔画色彩是装饰性色彩,不能达到写实的要求,也不能直接表达情感,在西画色彩的影响下,工笔画色彩逐步发展为多样性色彩,也使工笔画跃出低谷,走向繁荣,而现代科技的发展在丰富中国画颜料种类、提高颜色品质等方面发挥了积极的作用,从而使工笔画色彩在保持深厚的民族艺术精神的同时,更加丰富,更具现代性。  【关键词】工笔画;色彩;西画  【中图分类号】G613.6【文献标
【中图分类号】G426【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-0226-01    虎年春晚上最闪亮的明星,在下觉得,不是赵大叔,也不是刘谦,而是昔日风靡华语乐坛的“小虎队”。  高中时代,《青苹果乐园》《蝴蝶飞啊》和繁重的读书生活给了我们深刻的烙印。不过,那时的我们也就只喜欢唱唱他们的歌,了解了解他们的血型星座幸运色生日而已。且仅局限于极少数人,多数人并不关注这些信息。
【摘要】教学反思不仅能总结教学中的长处,使教学经验理论化;且能发现教学中问题,寻找解决问题的办法,优化教学方法和手段。本文通过《化学2》“乙醇”教学实践,从“生活化素材”选择依据、精选和加工方法及课堂教学使用策略三个层面,进行反思总结,探讨“生活化教学”的认识。  【关键词】化学教学; 生活化素材; 选择;加工与使用;乙醇  【中图分类号】G633.8【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-412
【摘要】在当今这个信息化时代,阅读能力对每一个人来说,都是必须具备的基本功。阅读教学是学生、教师、作者、文本之间的多重对话。是思想碰撞和心灵交流的动态过程。语文课外阅读活动是阅读教学的一个重要组成部分。开展好课外阅读,是提高学生语文能力的一个现实途径。  【关键词】课外阅读;中学生;语文;阅读能力  【中图分类号】G623.23【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-02
【摘要】美國描写语言学派是结构主义三大学派中影响最大的一个学派。它所使用的分析方法都有一定的合理性,但也存在着缺陷。本文详细介绍了它的几种分析方法。  【关键词】美国描写语言学;替换;分布;直接成分;变换  【中图分类号】G613.2【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-0182-02    美国描写语言学派是20世纪30-50年代美国语言学研究的主流学派。这个学派强调
【摘要】在小学作文教学中,小学生常常感到:无从下笔、无话可说。为解决这个问提,我们从观察入手,做如以下探讨。我认为首先要培养学生观察的兴趣,让他们从平常的生活观察起,做生活的有心人,积累写作素材;其次要教给学生观察的方法使他们能按顺序选材,抓住特点展开联想,生动作结合起来,让观察与写作服务。  【关键词】小学语文;写作兴趣;写作教学  【中图分类号】G623.24【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】10