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中学物理教学不仅要向学生传授知识,而且还要教会学生科学的研究方法。科学假说是科学研究的基本方法之一。恩格斯曾经对此作过这样的评价:“只要自然科学在思维着,它的发展形式就是假说,一个新的事实被观察到了,它使得过去用来说明和它同类事实的方式不中用了,从这一瞬间起,就需要新的说明方式了——它最初仅仅是以有限数量的事实和观察为基础,进一步的观察材料会使这些假说纯化,取消一些,修正一些,直到最后的构成定律,如果要等待构成定律的材料纯粹起来,那么这就是在此以前要把思维的研 Secondary school physics teaching not only imparts knowledge to students, but also teaches students scientific research methods. The scientific hypothesis is one of the basic methods of scientific research. Engels once commented on this: “As long as the natural sciences are thinking, its development form is a hypothesis. A new fact has been observed. It makes the past useless to illustrate the way it and other similar facts. From this moment onwards, a new way of explanation is needed - it is initially based only on a limited number of facts and observations, further observation materials will purify these hypotheses, cancel some, correct some, until the final constitution law If you want to wait for the material that constitutes the law to be pure, then this is the thinking of thinking before this
“知识是躯体,问题是心脏,思想是灵魂,方法是行为”。传统教材弊端是重躯体与行为而忽略了灵魂,新教材新就新在数学思想的渗透。 数学思想是对数学规律本质的认识,是数学科
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在△ABC中,有不等式:sinA/2sinBsinC≤2(3~(1/2))/9,等号成立当且仅当B=C=arccos3~(1/2)/3; In △ABC, there is an inequality: sinA/2sinBsinC ≤ 2(3~(1/2))/9, and the