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钟正川,祖籍广东梅县,1945年出生于马来西亚。现为马来西亚水墨画协会总会长、世界艺术家联合会副主席、新加坡书法家协会及新加坡书法研究院院士、钟正川画院院长、马来西亚国立大学教授、马来西亚书艺协会总会长、马来西亚华人文化协会视觉艺术主任。其作品被马来西亚国家艺术馆、马来西亚国家迎宾馆、中国艺术研究院、齐白石纪念馆、张大千纪念馆、韩国文化艺术馆、台湾国立教育美术馆、马来西亚前首相马哈蒂尔、马来西亚现任首相阿都拉、朝鲜前领袖金日成将军、朝鲜劳动党主席金正日等多国元首、政要、大使和国家级美术馆收藏。被誉为“马来西亚的齐白石”。曾参加亚洲美术联盟美展、马来西亚十大名家作品展、国际现代水墨画名家精选巡回展等。2008年6月,与靳尚谊、吴冠中、朱德群、王明明入选由中国文联书画艺术专业委员会、文化部对外艺术展览中心、中国大众文学学会联合编制的《海内外中国书画艺术当代名家集五大名家》,中国国家画院艺术交流中心、中国油画学会、文化部艺术品评估委员会提供学术支持。2008年4月,为庆祝海南建省办经济特区20周年,中共海南省委宣传部和中央数字电视书画频道在海口及三亚举办由钟正川领衔的《马来西亚水墨画协会大型画展》。2007年受中国文化部邀请在北京中国画院举办《钟正川水墨画展》。2005年受中国文化部邀请参加《2005第二界中国北京美术双年展》。1997年受中国文化部艺术司的邀请参加世界华人书画展。1993年受中国文化部邀请在中国画研究院举办个人画展。《钟正川画集》1993年由北京人民美术出版社出版。 Chung Ching Chuan, ancestral home in Meixian, Guangdong, was born in 1945 in Malaysia. He is the President of Malaysian Ink and Wash Painting Association, Vice President of World Artists Federation, Academician of Singapore Calligrapher’s Association and Singapore Calligraphy Research Institute, Dean of Chung Chuan Chuan Academy of Painting, Professor of Malaysia National University, President of Malaysian Book Art Association, Malaysian Chinese Cultural Association Art Director. His works have been collected by the National Gallery of Malaysia, National Guest House of Malaysia, Chinese Academy of Arts, Qi Baishi Memorial, Zhang Daqian Memorial, Korean Culture and Art Museum, Taiwan National Museum of Education, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister Abdullah of Malaysia, General Kim Il Sung, former leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea, and other state leaders, politicians, ambassadors and national art galleries. Known as “Malaysia’s Qi Baishi ”. Has participated in the Asian Fine Arts Union Art Exhibition, Malaysia’s top ten masterpieces exhibition, the International Exhibition of Modern Ink and Wash Artists Featured roving exhibition. In June 2008, Jin Shangyi, Wu Guanzhong, Chu Teh-chun and Wang Ming-ming were selected as “Top Five Masters of Contemporary Chinese Paintings and Calligraphers at Home and Abroad” jointly compiled by the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Committee, the Foreign Art Exhibition Center of the Ministry of Culture, and the Chinese Popular Literature Society. China National Art Institute of Art Exchange Center, China Oil Painting Society, Ministry of Culture art evaluation committee to provide academic support. In April 2008, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Hainan’s establishment of a special economic zone, the Hainan Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Central Digital TV Painting and Calligraphy Channel held a large-scale exhibition of Malaysian Ink Painting Association led by Zhong Zhengchuan in Haikou and Sanya. In 2007, invited by the Chinese Ministry of Culture held the “Zhongzhengchuan Ink and Wash Painting Exhibition” at Beijing Chinese Painting Academy. Invited by Chinese Ministry of Culture in 2005 to participate in “2005 Second China Beijing Art Biennale”. In 1997 by the Chinese Department of the Arts Department of the invitation to participate in the world of Chinese calligraphy and painting exhibition. In 1993 by the Chinese Ministry of Culture invited to hold a personal art exhibition in the Chinese Painting Institute. “Zhong Zhengchuan Painting Collection” was published by Beijing People’s Fine Arts Publishing House in 1993.
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