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医院制剂在医院药学中占很重要的部分,其科学的管理有利于医院药学的发展,是医院药剂科(药学部)进步的必然条件,91年底我院药剂科改为药学部,同时设立了制剂科,下分六个制剂室,即:灭菌制剂室、西药普通制剂室、片剂室、中药制剂室、中药提取室、中药炮制室,另外为制剂科服务的还有三个库:原材料库、中药库、制剂成品库,制剂科常规制剂品种有260多种,业务量大,制剂核算复杂,为了准确及时进行制剂成本核算,使工作条理化、规范化,减轻脑力劳动,提高工作效率,为此以本科室的实际情况,采用汉字 foxbase~+关系数据库编程,“建立制剂科制剂成本核算管理系统”。 Hospital preparations in the hospital pharmacy occupies a very important part of the scientific management of hospital pharmacy is conducive to the development of the hospital pharmacy (pharmacy) a necessary condition for progress, at the end of 91 pharmacy department of our hospital was changed at the same time set up Preparation Division, the next six preparation room, namely: sterile preparation room, western medicine general preparation room, tablet room, traditional Chinese medicine preparation room, traditional Chinese medicine extraction room, traditional Chinese medicine processing room, the other for the preparation of the Department there are three libraries: raw materials There are more than 260 kinds of conventional preparations in pharmacy, pharmacy, pharmacy and finished product preparation department. Because of the large amount of business and complicated accounting of preparations, in order to accurately and promptly process the preparation cost accounting, make the work systematize and normalize, reduce mental workload, improve work efficiency, To this end the actual situation of the undergraduate room, the use of Chinese characters foxbase ~ + relational database programming, “the establishment of preparation of preparation cost accounting management system.”
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