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侯马市位于山西省南部,春秋时期五霸之一的晋国在此建都,古称新田。这里自古交通发达,商贾云集,素有“旱码头”之称。改革开放特别是1984年以来,侯马市工商局在市委、市政府领导下,依据本地优势,紧紧抓住机遇,围绕工商行政管理职能,确立了“以贸易为龙头,贸工农全面发展”的经济发展战略。十年来,他们开拓进取,务实创新,采取政府牵头,社会集资,各 Houma City is located in southern Shanxi Province, Spring and Autumn Period, one of the five hegemon Jin in this capital, the ancient name San Tin. Since ancient times, traffic developed, merchants gathered, known as the “dry dock.” Since 1984, since the reform and opening up, the Houma Industrial and Commercial Bureau, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, took advantage of its local advantages and firmly seized the opportunities to establish an “all-round development of trade, industry and agriculture” based on the functions of industrial and commercial administration. Economic development strategy. In the past ten years, they pioneered, pragmatic and innovative, and took the lead of the government and social fund-raising
作为喜爱自己这一行的体育教师,最大的痛苦莫过于离开了心爱的操场,离开了天真活泼的孩子们。 临近开学的一天下午,我参加了一场校外篮球比赛,当我高高跳起投篮落地时,不慎
  Poly(methacrylic acid-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) monolithic capillary and high performance liquid chromatography was applied to analyze 7 parabens, inc
日立公司中央研究实验室与国家广播公司共同进一步发展激光彩色放映。目前的行密度为每帧1125行,较过去高两倍。以氪激光器提供红光,氩激光器提供蓝光和绿光。 Hitachi Cen
  The Abraham solvation parameter model is a widely used linear solvation energy relationship (LSERs) model, which was developed to theoretically predict the
  A kind of "two-dimensional stationary phase (2DSP)" of liquid chromatography was first synthesized, which has the characters of both weak cation-exchange ch
乒乓球 塞弗,27岁,比利时男子乒乓球选手。1993年第42届世乒赛男子单打亚军,1994年欧洲锦标赛男子单打冠军,曾为国际乒联世界优秀运动员排名第一号选手,现排名位居第三号。