推进“工业倍增”打造“四百”工程 在新的历史起点上实现衡阳工业更好更快发展

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2009年,市委、市政府始终围绕“保增长、促发展”的总体目标,全力应对危机,努力攻坚克难,全市加速推进新型工业化取得显著成绩,连续第三次进入全省先进行列。具体表现在:工业主导作用进一步凸现;项目带动作用进一步增强;产业集群作用进一步彰显;转型拉动作用进一步突出;改制盘活作用进一步提升;创业助推作用进一步扩展。应该说,今天的衡阳工业,已经站在了一个全新的历史起点,迈入了一个崭新的发展轨道。切实抓好今年及今后几年的新型工业化工作,对于实现富民强市、振兴衡阳目标具有重大的现实意义。 In 2009, the municipal party committee and municipal government always focused on the overall goal of “maintaining growth and promoting development”, fully responded to the crisis and worked hard to overcome difficulties. The city achieved notable achievements in accelerating the new-type industrialization and entered the province’s advanced ranks for the third consecutive time. The concrete manifestation is: the leading role of industry is further highlighted; the leading role of the project is further strengthened; the role of industrial clusters is further highlighted; the role of transformation and pull-out is further highlighted; the role of restructuring and activation is further enhanced; and the role of entrepreneurship and boosting is further expanded. Should be said that today’s Hengyang industry, has stood a new historical starting point, has entered a new track of development. To do a good job of new-type industrialization this year and the coming years is of great realistic significance for realizing the goal of enriching the people and strengthening the city and invigorating Hengyang.
闻喜饼是山西省的著名面点品种.以晋南闻喜县制做的最为出色,故名闻喜饼.闻喜饼制作工艺复杂,技术要求较高,应读者要求,现将简化的制作方法介绍如下,以供家庭制做. The sme
主料:带皮冬瓜一个(约4500克重),净鸭肉150克,烤鸭肉75克,瘦猪肉100克,田鸡肉100克,螃蟹肉75克,腌虾仁75克,鸭胗丁75克,熟瘦火腿25克,鲜莲子100克,鲜草菇100克. Ingredient
翡翠菜是指色泽酷似翡翠的类菜.做“翡翠”菜的关键是保持蔬菜的鲜绿色,防止其褐变和变黄. Jade greens are the kind of dishes that resemble jadeite. The key to doing
原料:猪腰子一副(约重250克),萝卜200克,姜、葱少许,盐、味精、料酒、胡椒粉各适量. Ingredients: pig kidney a (about 250 grams), 200 grams of radish, ginger, onion
江苏如东县某中学烹饪班学生吴均明曾来信说,他曾在本刊上见到有关蛇肴的介绍,很想试一试,但不知如何处理活蛇.为此,本栏特约四川王大纬同志撰文解答. Wu Ruming, a middle
牛栏口距桂林西约5公里,三面环山,绿草茵茵,不仅有桂林山青水秀的景致,还是个清静的去处. Niulankou about 5 km west of Guilin, surrounded by mountains, green grass Y
原料:熟猪肚250克,净莴笋150克,水发木耳、酱油各15克,姜末5克,蒜末约7.5克,酱笋末10克,醋30克,花椒油50克,精盐适量. Raw materials: cooked pig stomach 250 grams, net