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  I really tried hard to be the man of the house. I mowed the lawn and changed the oil in the car. This is all well and good, but the 2)down side is, my wife didn’t cook three meals a day, and really didn’t have a clue as to what her responsibilities should be.
  Shortly after we got married, we moved away and had to start sharing domestic responsibilities. For the next couple of years, it was pretty much, “I’ll cook and you’ll do the dishes.” A workable system, definitely.
  Then, 3)the rug was pulled out from under my 4)macho feet. My wife, who was the family’s primary breadwinner, got transferred to a considerably smaller town. As a result, after moving there with her, I had avery difficult time finding suitable employment. I did work here and there, but none of my new jobs lasted more than a week, or so. The main factor was salary. The closest I came to the salary I had been making to that time was less than a half of my previous earnings.
  This caused a dramatic change in our lifestyle. Daily expenses, alone, exceeded my earnings. It was economically far more realistic for me to stay home with our two boys, rather than go to work. Several times my wife suggested the idea of me staying home, but I didn’t want to do that. It was not that I couldn’t. Rather, I didn’t want to. Finally, however, I ran out of options, and agreed to do it.
  I would never forget my first day as a housekeeper. Our younger child had 5)soiled his diapers. Since it was already noon, I didn’t think it would be 6)a big deal if we waited for Mom to come home for lunch. When she arrived, she changed him and asked how long he had been in that diaper. I told her I had just noticed he was 7)stinky a few minutes before she got home. The same excuse was waiting for her when she got home from work that night. She 8)hit the roof! Evidently, he had gotten a 9)rash on his 10)butt, and I was the cause. I assured her I had changed him during the day, and she settled down. But I knew I had dodged a bullet.
  The next morning I resigned myself to changing diapers. The routine with the boys seemed all well and good until I had run out of diapers. I discovered the benefit of laundry. It wasn’t that I didn’t know how to do it. Rather it just hadn’t occurred to me that it needed to be done. Once I had 11)gotten the hang of it, I started noticing other aspects of the housework that I had neglected.
  I actually started to enjoy keeping house. My domestic life was getting somewhat more enjoyable, although, I kept my daytime occupation a secret from my friends.

  One Saturday evening we had friends over for dinner. Somehow, the question about my job came up. Before I could answer, my wife told them I was a stay-at-home dad. Our friends laughed, and then asked what I really did for a living. Again, my wife told them that I stayed home with the kids, while she worked. The laughter started to wane, and the next thing I knew—they had to leave. Evidently, there was something 12)pressing at home that needed their immediate attention. I found that a bit strange, and had an awkward feeling about their reasons as they left. I told my wife that they must have felt uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because their children had broken two pieces of my green glass collection.
  The following weekend we were invited to a birthday party for one of our friend’s children. When we got there everything was great. The men stood in the yard, drinking beer, while the women were busy setting up the table with all the 13)condiments that go with good barbeque. One lady at the party asked her husband to run to the store for some 14)mayonnaise. But we were fifteen miles out of town. I asked how much mayonnaise she needed. She told me that she only needed a cup, or so. 15)On the spur of the moment, I asked if she had oil, eggs and a 16)hand blender. She did. And so, I went inside and made her a couple of cups of mayonnaise. Having completed that, I returned to the yard.
  When I resumed my position with the guys, they asked about where I’d been. I told them I had just taught the women how to make mayonnaise. It was at this time the jokes started. I felt really hurt by the 17)jeers and tried to 18)downplay them by saying my mother used to make me help her cook. One of the guys 19)went so far as to get an 20)apron from the house and offer it to me. Why is it that a man is supposed to barbeque, but is not allowed to clean house?
  Later that evening at home, my wife asked me if I had fun at the party. I told her I really had not had as good a time as I’d hoped. I told her about the teasing. She told me the girls had all commented on how wonderful it would be to have a man who would change diapers around the house, continually asking her if this was, indeed, true.
  The longer I thought about it, the angrier I became. So what if one guy is a 21)welder and the other takes care of the house. What does it matter?
  After this, I became proud of what I was doing and was very open about it. I no longer had reservations about telling people. I did find people’s reactions to my daily routine anywhere from disturbing to totally ignorant. I lost many of my friends within the neighborhood because of this, but I really didn’t mind.

One day I decided to plant a garden in our backyard, and my husband began to paint our weathered fence. We’re renters, not owners, and were growing tired of waiting for the day when we would be able t
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