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  I am sitting in a bar in Spain’s 4)Andalusian state, Granada, where I have been drinking glasses of beer for the last two hours in order to get free plates of food.
  I don’t even like beer, and yet I’ve lost count of how many I’ve had—always a bad sign. But it’s been worth the effort. 5)Tapas are mini-snacks, and there are infinite varieties, from 6)calamari rings to 7)spinach with chick peas.
  There are two stories about the origins of tapas, which means “lid” in Spanish. The first goes, that combining food with alcohol was a way of ensuring people didn’t drink on empty stomachs. The alternative theory is that drinks were traditionally covered by a slice of ham to keep out the flies.
  Either way it could well be the reason why 8)siestas are so quiet in Granada — everyone is home sleeping it off, or at least the foreign tourists, not used to this style of eating are resting. However, I’ve ceased to 9)mull over the origins of the tradition, and I am wondering how I can get off the stool and stagger outside.
  The bartender has the TV turned into a soccer match, and everyone is engrossed in it. So I am sure I can 10)slink by unnoticed past the mess of napkins and toothpicks on the floor—the most 11)telltale sign of a tapas feast—and take advantage of the afternoon light in this picturesque town.
  Granada was once the capital of the last Moorish kingdom in Spain, from the 13th through the 15th centuries, and the city is full of reminders of its Arabic past, with baths, Arabic teterías (tea shops) and alcaicerías (markets) are a few.
  Granada houses are Spain’s best Moorish constructions, the most magnificent of which is the Alhambra. This old fortress with palaces and gardens perches above the hillside town with a snowy 12)vista of the 13)Sierra Nevada mountain range in the background. There are also 14)Baroque churches, 15)Gothic 16)chapels, 17)monasteries, palaces, 18)convents and 19)cathedrals.

  I spent the morning wandering around the whitewashed houses of the Moorish 20)Sacromonte and 21)Albayzin neighborhoods, noting 22)husky old men peeking from behind the bar doors. While a group of people gathered around a man fixing a water main, offered advice. Later, a dog tried to steal my map.
  I was 23)hassled by herb sellers, then a gypsy woman with badly applied eyeliner who wanted to read my palm for an incredible a mount of my name, and some 24)hippies who needed soap more than the cigarettes they asked for. In the end, I sat down in the 25)Mirador de San Nicolás Plaza, with other tourists and locals, who were spilling from local restaurants, to enjoy the sun and beauty of this spot overlooking Granada.
  Two grandmothers with enough colored hair clips to keep an army of small girls happy, a man playing a guitar, two gypsy girls 26)pestering the tourists, and the hazy 27)panorama of the famous 28)Alhambra and the Sierra Nevada mountains behind. The moment was so 29)surreal, I lost myself for two hours, and have only moved since then to this bar where I am almost unable to leave my chair.
  In moments like these that Granada begins to weave its spell. 30)Washington Irving describes this phenomenon in 31)Tales of the Alhambra, wen he speaks of the intertwining of life, religion and architecture, where everything is similar but nothing is the same. However, perhaps Ernest Hemingway’s party-riven account of Spain, in his novel The Sun Also Rises may be closer to your own experience, if you visit too many tapas bars.
  Much has been written about the beauty of La Alhambra fortress, palace, 32)patios and gardens, and none of it is exaggerated. Its combination of Islamic art, architecture and gardening is visually stunning. La Alhambra is made up of the military fortress of 33)Alcazaba, the Royal Palace (home of the Alhambra Museum) and the gardens of 34)Generalife Palace.
  The Alcazaba dates from the 11th to 13th centuries. The Royal Palace, the centerpiece, was built for Granada’s rulers in the 14th and 15th centuries. The intricate stonework, and rooms and courtyards are breathtaking. The Generalife, summer palace of the 35)sultans, has amazing gardens combining the use of water and 36)foliage. A full day should be dedicated to wandering the grounds and buildings.

  The 37)hammam Arabic Baths, located below the Alhambra, on Calle Santa Ana, offer bathing, massage and even aroma-therapy. Above the bathhouse, Tetería Baños Árabes features Arabic teas and cakes, belly dancing, and even poetry readings and tales from the Andalusian-Arabic tradition.
  The teterías, a fixture of Granada, typically have dimly lit interiors, candelabras with candles melting in arty globs and floor seating, perfect for romantic-minded couples.
  Moorish influences can still be observed in Granada today, but they are now more of a touristy kind. Arabic markets with jewelry, incense, tea, clothing and art are open even in the off season, when the rest of Spain seems to have fallen asleep without the madness of bullfights and hordes of summer tourists.
  When I finally leave my tapas bar, it is the view of the Alhambra from the Mirador de San Nicolás plaza that I want to see again. In the afternoon, the square fills with Spanish guitarists, singing locals, gypsies and tourists. It’s the perfect way to spend an afternoon if you have overindulged in free tapas or beer.
  As the sun lengthens and shadows fall across the valley, the Alhambra sets the mood.

  位于阿兰布拉宫下方圣·安娜区的赫马姆阿拉伯浴场提供洗浴、按摩和香薰治疗。从浴场往高处走,Baños Árabes茶馆供应阿拉伯茶和点心,有肚皮舞演出,甚至安排了安达卢西亚的阿拉伯传统诗朗诵和说书会。
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