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  1.Chapter One Introduction
  Nowadays, the world is becoming information age. Though most people spend their time on their mobile phones, media are still playing a significant role in people’s daily life. Moreover, news reading promotes the communication among different countries. Therefore, translation of English news headline would shorten the distance between both the English-speaking and the non-speaking countries.
  As we all know that there isn’t all of us can speak English. Some people don’t read English news because they don’t know the meaning when they read English news. Some are hateful to translate the English news into Chinese. As an English news translator, one must use all means to attract readers.
  2.Chapter Two Features of English News Headlines
  (1)Lexical Features of English News Headlines
  News headlines are the eyes or windows of news. People get attracted of the contents of through it; readers understand the attitude of the media through it and choose what news to read by reading through it. We will discuss some features of news headlines with sports news headline examples, in order to have a better understanding of these functions.
  (2)Grammatical Features of English News Headlines
  Headline has its own grammatical features. When those rules are violated, they make the readers feel confused. Besides, an English news headline distinguishes itself from other styles of writing by its special characteristics on the grammar level.
  3.Chapter Three Strategies and Methods of English News Headlines Translation
  (1)Literal Translation or Semi-literal Translation
  Literal translation is the basic approach used in English news headline translation since it can retain both the form and contents of the original to the maximum. Literal translation or semi-literal translation can be used if the original English news headline is clear and direct of its meaning and if literally translated there will not be problems for Chinese readers’ understanding of its meaning.
  (2)Free Translation
  Free translation is employed when literal translation does not work well, and sometimes it is preferred because it adapts the original headlines to the target language. When the literal translation can not help to convey the content of the original news or express the author’ s intention or make the version understood by the target readers, we can choose free translation.
  (3)Addition   Addition refers to supplying necessary words in our translation so as to make the version clear and correct. When the translated English headlines may cause confusion or misunderstanding among target readers for lack of information of relevant background information, addition becomes necessary. It means supplying necessary words in the translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original.
  According to the differences in vocabularies the English news headline used two nouns together, in the first example, while the Chinese news headline used the verb. Due to the differences between Chinese and English news headlines in vocabularies, rhetoric and tense, we may employ devices such as addition.
  Reduction is used when the translated headlines contain spare information. It is used to achieve the effect of succinctness, especially in dealing with the English pronouns and such functional words as the article, the preposition, the conjunction and so on.
  Translation is not to rigidly adhere to the language structure of the original, especially in the translation of news headlines. It requires that the translators should make due changes on the basis of grasping the gist of the original headline and observing the norms of the target text.
  4.Chapter Four Conclusion
  Reading the headline news in today’s fast-paced life becomes a social necessity for the reader. From the discussions above, it can be concluded safely that translating of English news headline is both a science and an art. In terms of being a science, it is in close accordance with the rules of general translating strategies, despite its own particularities in forms and translating methods. And in terms of being an art, a news headline is often culture-loaded, and translating of a headline does not simply mean the literary translating of the words from English to Chinese or vice versa. It requires profound cultural and background knowledge. So to sum up, we must omit the characteristics of the English headlines and methods clear in mind, we must know the similarities and differences between Chinese and English news headlines because of different cultural backgrounds and language usage, and different news tradition, will make the news headlines in English common than have their own distinct characteristics. Accuracy must be the first concern of translation and they should “invariably use meaning rather than words as their base.”
随着教学改革的不断深化,那种依靠增加课时,来完成教学任务,提高教学质量的做法,显然是违背了教学规律,不利于学生的全面发展,妨碍提高全民族素质这一总目标的实现。减轻学生的课业负担,提高教学质量,必须以提高课堂教学效率和质量为中心。课堂教学是整个教学工作的核心,课堂教学应该抓好每一个环节。  一、教学目的、任务明确具体  初中化学教学是化学教育的启蒙阶段。要贯彻全面发展的方针,着眼于提高全民族的素质,
随着教学理念的改变和教学改革的发展,课堂教学现在越来越重视提高学生的学习效率,我是教小学数学的,现在就我怎样发挥学具在小学数学课堂教学中的作用谈谈自己的几点看法:  一、使用学具,可促進学生数学概念的形成  心理学研究表明,儿童认识规律是“感知——表象——概念”,而操作学具符合这一规律,能变学生被动地听为主动地学,充分调动学生的各种感官参与教学活动,去感知大量直观形象的事物,获得感性知识,形成知识
一、利用学科资源优势,激发学生自主学习的内在动机  心理学家布鲁纳指出:学习的最好刺激乃是对所学知识的兴趣。我们也常说兴趣是最好的老师,而学生的学习兴趣,并非先天就有,需要靠后天的引导、激发。  1.认真对待高中生物第一节课,作好情感投资  作为一名高中生物教师,不能囫囵应付第一节课,可以与他们聊聊生命、健康、现代生物技术等方面的话题。关于生命的讨论——世界上有与你长得一模一样的人吗,如果没有,为
因材施教是指教师从学生的实际情况、个别差异出发,有的放矢地进行有差别的教学,使每个学生都能扬长避短、获得最佳的发展。这一教学思想是由我国古代著名的教育家孔子首先提出来的,在经历了多年的发展后这一教學思想非但没有被人们所忘记,反而直到今天仍在沿用,被广泛地推行,并将不断地得到完善与发展。  一、孔子的因材施教思想  先秦时期,孔子针对学生间的个别差异,提出了因材施教这一教学原则。从下面几句话我们就可
课堂是教学的主阵地,把握好课堂,向40分钟要质量是搞好教育教学工作的保障。如何使课堂效果达到最佳,怎样的课堂才是务实高效的课堂?我认为只有以学生为本,学生感兴趣、学得轻松、学得深入、学得自主的课堂才是有效的课堂。因此,课堂上运用灵活的方法手段进行教学尤为重要。  一、创设宽松的学习氛围  心理学认为,愉快的环境可以使人感到自由、安全和可以依赖。在这样的氛围下学习,更有利于知识的生成。因此老师要运用
英语写作是综合语言运用能力和认识水平的重要体现,是英语学习过程中必须掌握的听,说,读,写四大基本技能之一,在英语教学中起着举足轻重的作用。然而,当前由于有些小学英语教师对教学理念理解不透和对新课程解读不准,所以小学英语的写作教学还很不乐观。如何提高学生的英语写作水平,是广大英语教师努力探讨和希望解决的一个问题。  一、小学英语写作教学中存在的问题  1.学生受母语的束缚,自信心不足  小学生刚刚接
《英语课程标准》对学生的词汇量提出了更高的要求,单词成了让学生头疼、让老师束手无策的“拦路虎”。 相当一部分学生靠死记硬背记单词,长此下去,不但学习英语的兴趣会下降,自信心也将受到不小的打击,用什么方法让学生感知单词,培养他们学习单词的兴趣是关键。近几年自然拼读法的经验从国外逐渐介绍到我国。笔者希望通过对自然拼读法的讲述,帮助广大的小学英语教师更多地了解自然拼读法,并在教学中恰当地运用此法。一、
教学是教师与学生的双边活动。教学是一门科学,更是一门艺术。教学效果的优劣,在很多程度上取决于教师对教学的调控能力。探索教学系统的控制规律,按规律进行教学,是提高教学质量的必由之路。如何在日常的语文课堂活动中认识和运用这些规律?作为一名小学语文教师,我认为应结合语文科的特点,在课堂教学过程中优化组合各种调控方法,以提高课堂教学的效率。  一、教法调控  课堂教学的调控机制,在很大程度上就是刺激学生集
语文是一门应用最广泛、最接近生活、内容最丰富多彩、最有情趣的学科,语文也应该是学生最感兴趣的课程。教师必须充分展示课堂教学的魅力,使语文课成为学生的求知乐园。为使课堂成为学生学习的乐园,使学生“愿学、乐学”,结合推进新课改的实践,我尝试着在教学中做到以下四方面。  提高学生的兴趣是一门教学的艺术。孔子说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”在孔子看来,学习的最高境界是乐。在语文教学中,如何提高