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  There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen.
  I have not thought and have not done or felt enough—the early sun, rain and the seasonal delight of flocks of ducks and geese in flight, the mysteries of late-at-night. I still need time to read a book, write poems, paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me. There is something more to be of value—something I should find within myself—as peace of mind, patience, grace and being kind. I shall take and I shall give, while yet, there is so much to live for—rainbows, stars that gleam, the fields, the hills, the hope, the dreams, the truth that one must seek.
  I’ll stay here—treasure every day and love the world in my own way!
Jagjit Chauhan (Painter): Well, you could say it’s completely 1)redundant if you look at 2)Banksy, so it’s not just about visual production, it’s about management, you know, and so on. But I think an
On the Italian coast, colored houses spill down a hillside; soaking up the sun as they face the sea. But look closely and you’ll notice something’s a little strange. In Camogli, the art of illusion is
This week we hear from Earl Reynolds, who recorded an interview with his daughter Ashley. He told her about his childhood in Roanoke, Virginia, where his father had a barbershop called The Virginia Sa
Drive around almost any American city and you’ll find them easily: 1)shuttered, 2)vacant factories. The jobs are gone. In some cases they’ve gone overseas and, to 3)quote Bruce Springsteen, “they ain’
1. Odd duck 古怪的人;不寻常的人  Someone who is eccentric or unusual.  e.g. She’s a bit of an odd duck—her socks never match.  2. Hack (it) 应付,处理  To manage or to cope.  e.g. This job is just so stressful. I
Joseph Cohen (Co-founder and CEO of Coursekit) : I was in Philadelphia at school and we decided we were gonna go and build this company full time, and…and leave school, and there was no question that
第一颗无花果    My candle burns at both ends;   It will not last the night;   But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—  It gives a lovely light!    我的蜡烛两头燃烧,  天亮之前就要熄灭;  可是呵,我的敌人,呵,我的朋友──  烛光闪烁多么可爱!    埃德娜·圣文森特
清晨早起,匆匆出门,你可否留意到窗外小鸟吱喳?微风中花前月下,你可否听到不远处的蛙鸣?春雨潇潇,你可否闻到路边茵茵草坪飘来的清新?    追逐着高分,追逐着偶像,追逐着加薪,我们没有时间留意脚下的小草青翠,我们没有空暇看一眼翩翩蝴蝶,甚至连今天是阴是晴也没有察觉,更不用说走进公园,走到郊外,投入大自然的怀抱。    其实只要你稍加留意,就会看到池上碧苔三四点,听见叶底黄鹂一两声。叶绿花红,鸢飞鱼跃
我们生存的世界不尽完美,人的一生总要经历许多伤痛。假如我们有了下一代,我们将如何告诉他们这些残酷的事实呢?明言直说太残忍,满嘴谎话又太虚伪。或许,本文能给大家带来一点启发。本文的作者莎拉·凯 (Sarah Kay)是一位表演诗人,她以口语诗(Spoken Word Poetry)这种独特的方式向我们展示的不光是诗歌一般的美文,更是一种美好的人生哲理:纵使有困难,纵使有伤痛,也应常怀谢意,感怀美好。
Changes of the Body   I was in an English lesson and I came out and I went to the girls’ toilets, I think because I had a bit of a stomach ache, and then I was, like, “Oh, dear.”  All the girls, like,