Chiral and Achiral Bis(2-oxazolinylphenolato)nickel(Ⅱ) Complexes—Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and C

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A series of chiral and achiral bis(2-oxazolinylphenolato)nickel(II) complexes 2 were synthesized by reactions of various 2-(4,5-dihydro-2-oxazolyl)phenol derivatives with nickel chloride hexahydrate. The molecular structure of complex 2a was determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction. The crystal of complex 2a was monoclinic, space group P21 with cell dimension of a=1.1121(4) nm, b=0.9472(3) nm, c=1.4113(5) nm, ==90, =91.450(6), V=1.4861(8) nm3, Z=2, and =0.693 mm—1. In the solid state, the nickel(II) ion was in a square-planar coordination geometry. The catalytic activities of complexes 2 in Baeyer-Villiger reaction with molecular oxygen were investigated. A series of chiral and achiral bis (2-oxazolinylphenolato) nickel (II) complexes 2 were synthesized by reactions of various 2- (4,5-dihydro- 2-oxazolyl) phenol derivatives with nickel chloride hexahydrate was determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction. The crystal of complex 2a was monoclinic with space group P21 with cell dimension of a = 1.1121 (4) nm, b = 0.9472 (3) nm, c = 1.4113 = 90, = 91.450 (6), V = 1.4861 (8) nm3, Z = 2 and = 0.693 mm-1. The catalytic state of the nickel (II) ion was in a square-planar coordination geometry. activities of complexes 2 in Baeyer-Villiger reaction with molecular oxygen were investigated.
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