From the case of Houda training institution accused Ruida training institution,seeing the infringeme

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  Abstract:Based on the concept and characteristics of Intellectual Property Infringement in Houda training institution accused Ruida training institution case,this paper analyses the current situation of intellectual property protection in China,analyses the reasons behind the infringement in the field of intellectual property,and puts forward countermeasures to solve the problem.
  Keyword:Intellectual property rights;The infringement;Behavioral characteristics
  In recent years,the judicial examination continues to be hot,has spawned a large number of judicial examination training institutions.Ruida training institution has also directly copied and used Houda training institution’s achievements.
  Chapter One Background
  The intellectual property infringement case of Houda training institution company accused Ruida training institution company has attracted the attention of many people in the legal field.
  But in January 26,2018 cases of the turning point,thick big companies take the initiative to apply to the court a case,and bear the court costs 135450-yuan,thick big company dropped the hype or not constitute infringement of intellectual property,is worth our discussion.
  Chapter Two Introduction to intellectual property
  Intellectual property,as a kind of intangible asset,refers to the exclusive right of people to their intellectual achievements legally obtained by virtue of their own labor,which is also known as the right to knowledge ownership.
  Intellectual property rights have the following characteristics: first,proprietary.Second,regionalism.Third,timeliness.
  III.Scope of intellectual property protection
  Different ranges will be drawn under the wipe and the trips agreement.First,according to the provisions of the world intellectual property organization.
  Chapter Three The problem of intellectual property right infringement lies in our country
  I.The causes of intellectual property infringement
  Intellectual property involved in the field is very wide,almost everywhere in the life of intellectual property protection,especially in the field of information technology,such as software and database,and intellectual property in the long-distance transmission on the Internet.
  II.Characteristics of intellectual property infringement in China
  We are in the information age,in such a background of The Times gave birth to a lot of high-tech things,intellectual property protection shows the characteristics of high-tech as the leading,the identification of the nature of some infringement cases is more difficult and complicated.   Chapter Four Countermeasure and rule mechanism of
  intellectual property right infringement in China
  I.Legislative strategy
  The lag of legislation and limitation of intellectual property protection is becoming more complex,listen,establish intellectual property expert intelligent library.
  II.The judicial policy
  In addition,due to the professionalism and complexity in the field of intellectual property rights,the identification of infringement should be strict and accurate in the judicial process,so as to improve the judicial level and optimize the judicial means.
  III.The administrative strategy
  In the aspects of intellectual property registration and intellectual property management,effectively review and manage intellectual property and ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of applicants are effectively protected.
  Chapter Five The concluding
  In the judicial examination training industry,famous teachers,as one of the most important strategic resources in this field.At the same time of improving the market competitiveness,we should take the responsibility of education,return to education itself,to provide candidates with better judicial examination training services.To avoid relevant disputes,judicial examination training institutions should start from multiple aspects,such as enhancing their core competitiveness.
Abstract:The choice of English teaching technique in the process of English teaching will directly affect the students’ interest and the quality of English teaching.How to improve the level of English
摘 要:张之洞是中国近代著名的教育家,他一生热衷教育,致力于晚清的教育改革,从教育管理体制到学制,从普通教育设立现代学堂到师范教育,都作出了重大的贡献。管学大臣张百熙、荣庆称他为“当今第一通晓学务之人”,实不为过。  关键词:张之洞;教育管理;癸卯学制;师范教育  张之洞,直隶南皮人,字孝达,号香涛,晚年自称“抱冰老人”,是中国近代著名的教育家。他一生热衷教育,正如清末四川总督赵尔巽所言,“其生平
摘 要:公司简介是公司的“名片”,对于企业而言有着重要的意义。公司简介的翻译属于应用文体翻译的范畴,实用性强,应用范围广。本文将简要分析公司简介的文本特点和翻译原则,从而归纳出公司简介的翻译策略。文中摘选了公司简介的翻译实例,具有较强的说服力。通过此次探索,希望能为应用翻译研究提供启示。  关键词:应用文体;公司简介;翻译;策略  一、公司简介文本特点  由于文化差异、地理和历史的因素,不同民族的
摘 要:游戏化教学是当前教学方法中十分流行的一个。游戏化教学正以自己独有的特点和特有的教学效果,不断地在初中课堂上发挥作用。初中生正处于一个成长的阶段,初中生不断健全自身的智力,不断提升自身的认知能力。相应的,初中生要学习和认知的知识难度也更大,知识量更多。游戏化能够很好的适应当前初中课堂教学的需要,特别是在初中化学课堂上,正发挥着十分重要的作用。  关键词:游戏化教学;初中化学;课堂教学;“化学
摘 要:一学期的班主任工作,深刻感悟到,作为班主任,必须具备良好的心态,得当的教育方式,培养孩子的阅读习惯……切身感受到教育的艺术,教育的责任感和使命感。  关键词:班主任;教育;乐观;理解;阅读  转眼已经一个学期,作为一年级的班主任,在这个学期之中能够和小朋友们一起成长,一起进步,很开心。但是,新手班主任面临的问题也很巨大,如何教育学生,如何使学生爱上学习,如何管理学生等等,各种各样琐碎的问题
摘 要:兴趣在小学语文低年级教学中占据重要作用,可以有效地吸引孩子们的注意力,使其专心听讲,积极地参与教学活动,活跃课堂教学氛围,进而提升语文教学水平。小学语文教学应当根据教材特点以及学生的实际情况,精心地进行教学设计,最大化地激发学生的兴趣。基于此,本文以部编版教材为例,探讨了小学低年级教学关键点——兴趣的培养方法。  关键词:小学低年级;语文教学;兴趣培养;策略  低年级的小学生由于年龄小,正
摘 要:改革的不断推进,世界多元化思维的冲击,学生的思想和行为较之以往无论在行为习惯还是价值取向方面,都给学生管理教育者带来了诸多面临解决的新问题。本文结合笔者现实工作中处理助学贷款的案例,对学生工作者在新形式下如何深入做好学生资助工作进行系统性的分析。  关键词:诚信系统;感恩教育  社会的转型发展,人们的利益需求日趋多元化,传统价值观与新的价值观不可避免的产生碰撞与交融。学生的价值取向越来越难
◆摘 要:“现代人是分裂的、残缺的、不完整的、自我敌对;马克思称之为‘异化’,弗洛伊德称之为‘压抑’,古老的和谐状态丧失了,人们渴望新的完整。”这样的残缺和不完整不仅仅体现在人自身上,更体现在自身与他人、与社会的关系上,怎么样才能找到完整和谐的自我并建立与他人和社会良好的关系呢?首先需要打破现有的平衡,让自我对立的价值观彼此博弈,博弈的过程就是二元对立的过程,接着再在这种对立中重组一个新的自我,此
反乌托邦小说《一九八四》给予人扼住咽喉般的窒息感。“战争即和平、自由即奴役、无知即力量”,大洋国的极权统治下,民众的身体不是自由的,思维被管控得更加严密。所谓“自由”,就是可以大胆说出“二加二等于四”的自由,承认真理的自由,如果这都无法实现,人道,乃至于更高级的爱,是无法在这种真空的世界里存活的。  温斯顿生活在一个“存天理,灭人欲”的纪元,这里的“天理”指的是“老大哥”的统治,可笑的是,这位“老