A Brief Introduction of the “Diverse” America

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  【摘要】 America is called the Melt Pot because of its diverse ethnic groups. With over 200 years’ development, this Melt Pot, which has diverse cultural background and traditions, has gradually eliminated racial discrimination and achieved its harmony among Asian, African, Hispanic, Indian ethnic groups, and European ethnic groups.
  【关键词】 American culture;diversity
  Emerged from the short and rapid European conquest of an enormous landmass sparsely settled by diverse indigenous peoples,American culture is rich, complex,and unique.People from Africa, Asia,and North America had great contributions to American culture.As a result,American culture possesses an unusual mixture of patterns and forms forged from its diverse peoples.
  2、Diverse culture and characteristics of major ethnic groups
  African American is the largest ethnic group in America.It is also the group who once had the lowest social status.And their struggle for equal rights has never stopped.Hispanic is the second largest ethnic group. They are the residents of the United States who trace their history back to countries in the western hemisphere where the Spanish language is spoken.In the 2000 U.S. census counted 34.3 million Hispanic or Latino Americans.Asian-American is the most diligent ethnic group.Many Asian Americans in the United States are mainly engaged in education,scientific research,medical and other“intelligence”industry.Indians are the native Americans who have lived in the American continent for many generations. As the original inhabitants of American continent,Indians played a decisive role in America’s national formation and the founding of the United States.
  3、The impacts of diverse culture on American society
  African-American, Hispanic,and Asians have done great contributions to the development of American agriculture. The blacks were first used as agricultural labor force when they were brought into America.Therefore the proportion of African-American farmers has always been high in history.Since 1920s,Mexicans became the principal sources of low-cost labor force for American agriculture.As the indigenous people, Indians are still living in the 280“reservations”given by the Federal Government and engaging in agriculture and animal husbandry.Other races,such as Asian precedents and their precedents,mainly live in towns and cities and seek for job opportunities in manufacturing and service industry.It is quite obvious that“cultural diversity is the main motivation for the multiform of American economy and industry structure(Gordon,1964,p.525).”Another important aspect that embodies the impact of diverse culture on American society is its advantages in sports field.Basketball and track and field hall is a stage for black people.Thanks to the joint efforts of blacks and whites,the United States takes obvious advantages in track and field and swimming.Art is another area that can reflect the impact of America’s cultural diversity. Jazz was first invented by African Americans around the first decade of the 20th century that has an identifiable history and distinct stylistic evolution.Like jazz, rock and hip-hop are also created by African Americans and rooted in African-American traditions.Other ethnic groups also have done a lot to influence American art forms, such Chinese painting,Hispanic dancing, and Indian totem.The main disadvantages that brought by cultural diversity are racial discrimination, conflict, and inequality among different ethnic groups. The differences in social status and economic income, lead to the racial and ethnic conflicts.
  Even though people’s attitude towards multiculturalism is inconsistent,the impact brought to American society and its people by diverse culture is an undisputed fact.How the United States deal with its diverse culture and ethnic issues not only deepens our awareness of the problem,but also provides us with useful lessons and meaningful inspirations.
  [1] Bryant Robey(2002).The American People.New York:Truman Talley Books.
  [2] Gordon,M. M.(1964).Assimilation in American life.New York: Oxford University Press.
  [3] Scared Conflict(1991,August 14).Washington Post,p.B8.
  [4] 弗,斯卡皮蒂.(1986)美国社会问题[Social Problems in America].
【摘要】初中政治复习就是要把庞杂的内容梳理成清晰的知识网络,把较多的时间和精力投入到对重点问题的理解和记忆上,在此基础上,再将重点、要点扩展开来,做到“纲举目张”,系统复习,突出重点。  【关键词】初中政治复习措施    复习是一种对教材教学内容进行梳理、对学生知识掌握情况进行整理的活动过程。有效的复习指导,不仅有助于学生整体水平的提高,而且可以获得理想的“即时效应”。对于初中的政治复习,笔者想提
【摘要】现代课堂面临着多重挑战,对教师提出了越来越高的要求。为了更好的实施新课程,必须深入教学领域,研究课堂教学,改革课堂教学,提高课堂教学有效性,这是我们教育战线迎接新挑战的最中心、最紧迫的任务。本文将从课堂氛围、课堂教学方式、教学工具、教学语言四方面谈谈如何提高小学音乐课堂教学的有效性。  【关键词】音乐教学有效性    新的《音乐课程标准》中指出:“音乐课应发挥音乐艺术特有的魅力,在不同的教
【摘要】本文介绍了学生进行物理探究性学习指导的方法,试图探索物理探究性教学的规律。  【关键词】科学探究方法指导    《课标》说“科学探究既是学生的学习目标,又是重要的教学形式之一。学生在科学探究活动中,体验科学探究的乐趣,学习科学家的科学探究方法,领悟科学的思想和精神。科学探究的要素有:提出问题,猜想与假设、制定计划与设计实验、进行实验与收集证据、分析与论证、评估、交流与合作。在学生的科学探究
【摘要】考试作为衡量教学质量和选拔人才的重要手段之一,受到学校和社会各界的高度重视。认真研究并正确对待考试在学生品德形成和发展中的影响,成为加强学生品德教育,从根本上提高教育质量和全民族素质重要课题。  【关键词】考试品德形成发展影响    考试制度在我国具有悠久的历史。中国古代的考试被称为“科举”,是当时国家选拔人才的重要手段,直到清朝末期,新文化运动的宣起,才将几千年的科举制度推翻。由于中国几
新的化学课程标准要求教学要紧密联系学生的生活实际,从学生的生活经验和已有知识出发,创设生动有趣的情景,引导学生开展观察,操作、猜想、推理、交流等活动,使学生通过化学活动,掌握基本的化学知识和技能,学会从化学的角度去观察事物、思考问题,激发对化学的学习兴趣以及学好化学的愿望 根据学生的知识掌握水平、思维能力及学习的目标等具体情况,我认为情景的创设需满足以下几个要求: 一、创设的情景要符合学生的认
【摘要】试卷评讲课比较普遍的做法是:集体订正答案、师生共同纠正问卷解答中出现的有关概念、计算、错误及书写格式的不规范,同时进行准确理解题意,正确应用公式解题等方面的教育,毫无疑问,这些是评讲对教师的起码要求,但评讲还应利用一些措施提高试卷评讲的有效性。  【关键词】初中数学试卷评析有效性    1、引言  实践证明,数学试卷的评析是数学测试目标达成中非常重要的一个环节。通过试卷评析,既可以复习巩固
【摘要】高考作文占了语文试卷的半壁江山,凡优秀作文都会在“发展等级”中大显身手。所以要想使阅卷老师眼睛发亮、感情冲动给予高分,文章必须有新意、有特色。这对许多考生来说会有一定的难度,但是在文章中设置一两处亮点,还是可以做到的。换个角度写作文,相信会有“那人却在灯火阑珊处”的感受,收到让你意想不到的效果。因此,平时的写作中必须对学生进行创新作文的教学。  【关键词】创新 文体 标题 立意
【摘要】小组合作能够帮助薛申过更好学习和使用英语文本,有效培养学生的主动探究能力,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。这种教学模式的运用能够有效地培养学生的团队学习合作精神,从而帮助学生形成多样化的语言学习思维和语言感知,促进他们语言知识和技能的内化生成。  【关键词】高中英语小组合作综合能力    《全日制义务教育普通高级中英语课程标准(实验稿)》在“教学建议”中倡导,运用合作探究的形式进行教学,能够起