Discussion on the law of acupoint selection by acupuncture in the treatment of post-stroke depressio

来源 :海南医科大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaodanmeidan
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Objective:To analyze the law of acupoint selection in treatment of depression after stroke by using data mining technique,providing reference for clinical treatment. Methods:Through the retrieval of CNKI,wanfang data resource system and Vip Database,relevant literature on acupuncture treatment of this disease in China from the inception of the database to 2019 were collected. Thus the database of acupoint prescriptions was established. SPSS20.0 and SPSS Modeler 18.0 software were used for statistical analysis to explore the law of acupoint selection. Results:A total of 92 articles were selected,92 acupuncture prescriptions and 88 acupoints with a total frequency of 715 times. The frequency of acupoints of Du channel ranked first. The frequency of acupoints in the head and neck and lower limbs were successively 40.42% (289/715) and 20.46% (172/715). Specific acupoints accounted for 81.82% of the acupoints used,among which confluent acupoints ranked first. The correlation analysis results showed that the highest support of acupoint combination was Baihui(GV20) and Shenting(GV24). Conclusion:The acupoint selection in the treatment of PSD gives priority to the Du channel,following the principle of local acupoint selection,local and remote acupoint selection with the precondition of regulation the mind. Attach importance to the use of specific acupoints,especially the confluent points.
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