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  The Idea
  This all began on the train to Cardiff注1,
  1)appropriately enough, because Mark and I were both working on different episodes of Dr. Who注2, and we sit on the train together – we always get the same train
  together so we could chat – and we…we talked about our other great 2)obsession, which was Sherlock Holmes.
  Sherlock: The name’s Sherlock Holmes, and the
  address is 221B Baker Street.
  And what we kept saying to each other was, “You know, someday someone is gonna think of doing that again; someday someone is gonna do Sherlock
  Holmes and Dr. Watson in the modern day.” I once mentioned it to…to my wife, Sue, who said, “Well, why don’t you do it?”
  Mark Gatiss (Co-Creater, as “Mycroft”): We should just do this present day.
  And that’s where it properly began.
  The Update
  And I think the 3)clinching moment for both of us and…and for everyone else we’ve spoken to was when we realised if we took this story from the
  beginning, the original stories began – Dr. John
  Watson being 4)invalided home from Afghanistan – and we realised, “Well, of course, that could happen just as easily today.”
  Benedict Cumberbatch (as “Sherlock”): Watson, in this 5)scenario, it’s…it’s the same in the book: He comes back from Kandahar, from war. But rather like a lot of the clever adaptations, what’s changed about it is obviously it’s in modern context, so instead of writing a journal, he’s keeping a blog…
  I think one of the fun things is, as you update it, as you find each 6)equivalent, you think…I…I remember Mark thinking, “Well, he wouldn’t write a journal now, would he? He wouldn’t write memoirs.
  He’d write a blog.” And suddenly you realise, of course, that tells you what memoirs were – they were…they were blogs. And he wouldn’t have teams of homeless children, he’d have…he’d have homeless
  people on the streets selling The Big Issue注3.
  In a way it allows you to see the original stories the way the original reader would have read them – as exciting, 7)cutting-edge, 8)contemporary stories –
  as opposed to these 9)relics that they’ve become. And it’s just endless fun to take the little details and…and realise how easily, how neatly they update.
  The Casting
  The first and only person we saw for Sherlock Holmes was Benedict, so we got him round…to do an 10)audition and it was such a 11)firecracker
  audition, just felt this is the modern Sherlock Holmes.
  He is a little bit old-fashioned, so you…you’ve got some of the old idea of him coming from another era, but he’s also a modern young man and, you know, to be honest, he’s a brilliant actor, very good-looking, 12)dashing, and he’s what Sherlock Holmes ought to be.
  And Martin is right at the heart of the show as Dr. Watson always has to be. He sort of does the poetry of the ordinary man. He can be ordinary and terribly, 13)agonizingly real, but make that fascinating and poetic and…and 14)resonant.
  The Fun
  You know, other detectives have cases, Sherlock Holmes has adventures.
  Gatiss: Everybody knows Sherlock Holmes. There’s no brand recognition problem. Whatever their version of him, everybody knows who he is, what he does, and what Holmes and Watson are about. So I think it has an extraordinary appeal across the world.
  It is 15)escapism. It is fun. It is exciting. It
  celebrates the idea of a very, very clever man – a man who thinks cleverness is actually a super-power. But for the most part, Sherlock Holmes is a brilliant entertainment.
  Sherlock: The game, Mrs. Hudson, is on!
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