China Launches Crackdown on an Overheated Property Market

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  Tightens Home-Purchasing Rules
  Shanghai Again Tightens Home-Purchasing Rules, Targeting Divorce, in Bid to Cool Market Commercial lenders required to examine sources of funds used for down payments
  Shanghai has further tightened home-purchasing rules by demanding lenders scrutinize the sources of funds used for down payments — a move that will likely curb the surge of divorce filings among couples seeking to purchase second homes.

  A document laid out by the local market interest-ratepricing self-discipline mechanism, a group of banks under the guidance of the central bank, highlighted the need to inspect the authenticity of a resident’s proof of income in relation to home purchases, requiring commercial lenders to step up efforts to check the income of both the borrower and their spouse.
  The document also placed emphasis on the principal source of mortgage repayments, strictly prohibiting adult children, parents or parents-in-law, former spouses or any other third party from jointly fulfilling repayment obligations, in a bid to circumvent housing-loan policies.
  Despite seeing a number of home-purchasing restrictions being introduced, including a mandatory down payment of at least 50% of the property price for second-time homebuyers, Shanghai residents have still found ways to get around policy curbs. Filing for divorce and transferring a house to a spouse in return for a 30% down payment and zero property tax —benefits of first-time homebuyers — is a common way around recent restrictions.
  Since mid-October, mortgage managers of several banks in Shanghai, including China Mingsheng Bank and Industrial Bank, have told property agents that they will not grant loans to people who divorced within the past year.

  Hits Developers over Unauthorized Home-Price Hikes
  Crackdown on builders is latest move in Chinese cities’ ongoing fight to cool overheated property market.
  The Shanghai government has punished eight property developers for increasing home prices without notifying authorities — the city’s latest move to cool the overheated property market.
  The property developers were suspended from signing contracts with home buyers after regulators found that the companies had increased prices "without authorization," the Shanghai government said on its official WeChat account.   In China, real estate developers are required to register home prices with the local price bureau before a sales launch. If property companies want to change the prices later, they have to notify the authorities, and the change must be within a certain range, depending on the city. But the policy has not been strictly enforced.
  Now, as home sales and prices soar in first- and secondtier cities, the Shanghai government has turned to the policy, along with other measures, in a bid to rein in the housing market.
  Seven real estate agencies also were punished, for forging records of home sales and misleading customers, the government said.
  The latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that home prices in Shanghai rose 5.2% in August compared with the previous month, the second-highest growth among 70 cities.

  Rumors that further home-purchase restrictions would soon be imposed in the city had couples flocking to marriage registration offices to file for divorce in late August, believing that as unmarried people, they would remain eligible to buy a second home.
  Shanghai has some of the toughest restrictions on home buyers in China. Under rules that city authorities released in March, residents who do not have a Shanghai hukou — a household registration permit — have to show they have had a pension and medical insurance plan in the city for at least the past five years before they can buy a home there. Also required is a down payment of at least 70% for second homes larger than 140 square meters or worth more than 4.5 million yuan($668,000).
  It’s Harder to Buy Multiple Homes
  Governments tighten requirements, including raising minimum down payments, to dampen exploding market.

  Reacting to surging housing prices in the past few months, about 20 Chinese cities have tightened home purchase requirements since late September in efforts to cool an overheated market.
  Some cities are prohibiting property developers from selling homes to residents who don’t have local hukou, or residency registration, and to those who already own more than one home. Other cities are raising the required minimum amount of money necessary for a down payment.
  "There is a common reason for the restrictions — the property market has been too hot, especially regarding the surging prices" said expert.

  The average price of a new home in 70 major Chinese cities jumped 7.5 percent in August compared with a year earlier. This was on top of a 6.1 percent increase in July. Sixtytwo cities saw home prices rise in August from a year earlier, up from 52 cities in July, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.
  New Property Curbs are in Southeastern and Southern China
  The cities that have restricted home purchases are those that have seen recent price hikes and want to crack down on an overheated property market that could collapse, said expert. The majority of cities with new property curbs are in southeastern and southern China.
  Xiamen, a tourist city in southeastern Fujian province, registered the largest increase in property prices, with a 44.3 percent jump in August compared with a year earlier — far higher than the gains of 25.8 percent in Beijing and the 37.8 percent in Shanghai.
  In early September, the Xiamen government banned the sale of homes at the low end of the market — those of 144 square meters or less — to local residents who already owned two units, residents without local hukou who owned at least one unit, and residents without local hukou who hadn’t worked continuously in the city for at least one year.
  Xiamen’s initial restrictions in September worked, as the month saw only 140,000 square meters of home space sold in the city, down 48 percent from the monthly average in the first eight months of the year, according to CRIC, a data provider owned by E-house.
  Ingenious Ways of Circumventing the Rules
  But sometimes the policies failed to stop the home-buying frenzy as many people found ingenious ways of circumventing the rules, including divorce.

  On Sept. 25, Nanjing, capital of the southeastern province of Jiangsu, banned property developers from selling new homes to local families who already owned two apartments and to families without local hukou who owned one unit.
  The following day, at least 320 couples in Nanjing filed for divorce. That’s three times the normal number, according to local media Yangtse Evening News. Since the rules apply to families, as divorced individuals, these people could qualify to buy a home under the new rules, while they would not have qualified if they had stayed married.
  The city’s government tightened the rules, saying that single and divorced locals are allowed to buy only one unit.   Tightening Down-payment Requirements
  Besides controlling the number of qualified homebuyers, some cities are attempting to cool the market by tightening down-payment requirements.
  On Sept. 30, Beijing increased the amount that first-time home buyers must submit for a down payment, from 30 percent of the home’s price to 35 percent. For families that already own a unit, the down payment of a second home is at least 50 percent.
  Some cities conducted restrictions out of fear that property bubbles could be contagious.

  Shenzhen, the manufacturing hub of southern China, rolled out home purchase restrictions on Tuesday. Two days later, Dongguan, a city 80 kilometers from Shenzhen, prohibited home purchases by local residents who already owned two apartments. It also banned residents without local hukou from buying a second house unless they could prove they had worked in the city for one year during the past two years.
  The Dongguan government’s new rule seeks to crack down on speculators who were rejected due by Shenzhen’s property market restrictions, said expert. There might not be many more cities following the"tightening spree" because almost all those that have seen property price surges have already taken action.
优秀的、国际化的教授团队和学生资源,高水准的研究和创新的课程,以及在帮助学生职业发展规划方面不遗余力,是香港科技大学MBA近年来成功崛起的秘诀。    香港科技大学商学院工商管理硕士(MBA)课程在2010年1月英国《金融时报》发布的全球最新MBA排名榜中,由2009年的第16位跃升至第9位,首次跻身全球前十,亦是亚洲榜首。  巨大成功背后隐藏着怎样的答案?就此,本刊日前专访了香港科技大学工商管理
面对财富分配差距悬殊、新三座大山以及个人税费高举,人均1.8万美元财富略显苍白。  近日,瑞士瑞信银行发布了一份《全球财富报告》(下称“《报告》”)表明,中国成年人人均财富值在过去10年里从2000年的6000美元增至2010年的1.8万美元(2010年全球人均财富为4.38万美元)。虽然与欧美等发达国家相比,差距仍相当明显,但无疑仍有其可观处。    财富分配不均加剧    这意味着,中国家庭(
比利时外商请咨询公司精心设计了一套做空国内公司,往海外转移账款的方案,之后便人间消失,却留下了欲哭无泪的国内供应商。    2009年4月12日下午3点左右,在上海闵行某工业园区,斯坦德(上海)有限公司的厂区内,突然有两名员工爬上近五层楼高的厂房楼顶,声称要跳楼自杀。相关人员与欲跳楼员工对话,希望他们稳定情绪,不要意气用事走极端路线,有问题可以和公司领导、工会组织、劳动部门商量。这两名员工仍拒绝下
近期美联储第二轮量化宽松政策加剧了全球流动性泛滥,热钱加速流入新兴经济体,而中国经济复苏以及人民币升值和加息双重预期,更吸引热钱重返中国。如何有效应对当前流动性泛滥、通胀预期升温、热钱流入压力加大等问题,已无从回避。    监管加码    国家外汇管理局从2009年四季度以来就加大了对热钱进入国内的监管力度,这一态势在近期得到进一步升级。  2010年10月12日,外管局在《2010年上半年中国国
菜价经过一番飞涨之后,菜农、菜贩、卖主均表示获利微薄,经过一番对“最大收益者”追寻打压之后,菜场摊位出租方似乎成了“替罪羊”,这种怪象恰恰印证了中国经济学界不缺令人迷惑的谬论!    “菜”这一名称,在中国普通民众生活中通常指主食以外的副食品,如经过烹调可供下饭下酒的蔬菜、蛋、鱼、肉等。菜市场一般指专门销售这类副食品的场所。虽说现在丰富齐全的中国菜市场极大地满足了人们日常生活需要,但其差价监督体系
希腊的债务危机尚未过去,爱尔兰又处于国际金融风暴的中心,令欧洲经济雪上加霜,或将引发社会动荡。    2010年12月7日,欧盟财长会议正式批准向爱尔兰提供850亿欧元紧急救助计划。其中,约627亿欧元出自欧盟和国际货币基金组织(IMF)设立的7500亿欧元的救助机制,爱尔兰则自筹175亿欧元。  根据援助方案,总计350亿欧元用于救助陷入困境的爱尔兰银行业,其中100亿欧元用来为爱尔兰银行注资,
中国艺术品屡屡拍出天价是“做局”还是爱国主义?  2010年以来,作为“另类投资”的中国艺术品交易市场可谓是“天价”连连:先是6月3日,北宋书法家黄庭坚的《砥柱铭》在北京保利国际拍卖公司举行的春拍中以4.368亿元成交,打破了2005年伦敦佳士得拍卖会上的《元青花鬼谷下山图罐》创下的约2.3亿元的世界最高成交纪录;11月26日,一件清乾隆粉彩镂空瓷瓶更是在英国伦敦一家不知名的拍卖行——班布里奇(B
对于柯爱伦来说,难熬的2009年已经成为过去。杜邦在2010年的表现表明她选择了一条正确的路线。    花旗投资研究机构(Citi Investment Research)在2010年12月3日将全球第三大化工企业杜邦的股票评级从“买入” 升级到“持有”,表明华尔街对杜邦的市场前景表示看好。  在一份声名中,花旗投资研究机构股评人P.J. Juvekar表示,杜邦能够在2010年取得业绩进步,除了
美国当地时间2010年10月22日,世界上第一个供民用航天飞机进行太空游的机场在美国新墨西哥州拉斯克鲁塞斯附近的沙漠地区完工。这标志着英国最大的私营企业维珍集团下属维珍银河的商务太空游计划又朝前迈进了一步。  维珍集团创始人理查德布兰森说,第一次商业航天飞行有望在18个月之内,即在2012年实现。如果你愿意花上约20万美元买票,你也能成为宇航员。    20万美元“平民”游    据报道,总造价3
“十二五”期间,水电开发因环保问题将重新被正名。“现在中央也想消除此前遇到的阻力。”    近日,西藏第一座大型水电站藏木水电站开建,素有“天河”之称的雅鲁藏布江被截流。消息引起广泛关注,甚至印度外交人士也对该项目可能造成的影响表示关切。印度担心,此项工作将使印度东北部陷入干旱。  2010年12月16日,国务院总理温家宝在印度世界事务委员会发表演讲时表示,中方重视印方在跨境河流问题上的关切,愿意