Transliteration in EST Translation

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  【Abstract】Firstly, this paper presents the definition of transliteration and its important position in EST translation. Secondly, in terms of the previous practice and experience in EST translation, four main transliteration techniques are concluded and analyzed. But meanwhile, there are still some negative issues and phenomena. As a result, it is worthy to make good use of the existing transliteration techniques and create more proper ones to remove the obstructions and promote the development of EST translation.
  【Key words】transliteration; transliteration technique; EST translation
  Transliteration is a kind of translation method that represents in the corresponding characters of another alphabet. In a nutshell, transliteration is a process of sound recording from source language to target language, in order to find out the most approximate phonetic equivalents. There are some commonly-used techniques in transliteration in EST Translation.
  ● Pure Transliteration
  This is the most typical and simple transliteration technique, which uses the letters or words pronounced as similarly as possible in Chinese to translate the original English words.
  E.g. Marlboro, a product of the Philip Morris Company, is the most popular cigarette in the world,selling 130 billion cigarettes in 1993.
  ● Pure Transliteration with Adding
  The characteristic of this technique is to maintain the pronunciation of the English words and then, on the basis of pure transliteration, add the Chinese characters that can point out the category or class the English words belong to.
  E.g. ①WHO has rung alarm bells about a possible tuberculosis epidemic. Tuberculosis, which attacks mainly the lungs, intestines, skin and brain, causes larger death toll than that of pneumonia and AIDS.
  ②As a result, zinfandel is the perfect accompaniment to many foods and can be served on any occasion.
  In the first example, “艾滋”is translated through pure transliteration and “病”is the category word. Many years ago, AIDS was only translated into “艾滋”, it must have been very confusing for the target readers — what it is on earth, a sort of food or a dress. However, the category word “病”can express its meaning quite clearly . As for the second instance, “葡萄酒”is the category word.   ● Partly Transliteration and Partly Semantic Translation
  This is a synthetical method. Concretely speaking, it translates one part—it has the equivalence in Chinese—of the English word through semantic translation, and translates the rest through transliteration; both parts can compose a complete word. Here, semantic translation is the process of using semantic information to aid in the translation of data in one representation or data model to another representation or data model.
  E.g. Originally a military research system,and then an academic system connecting university computers,the Internet is now an open global system of computer networks to which many Internet Service Providers have access.
  Here, the initial part “inter” is translated into “因特” in terms of pure transliteration, whereas the final part “net” is rendered into “网” in that “net” and “网” are equivalent in the translation of English and Chinese, which adopts semantic translation.
  ● Both Transliteration and Semantic Translation
  Although this technique seems like the third one, actually they are different in nature. This method is in the pursuit of the aim that makes the Chinese version both including the original pronunciation and its conceptual meaning, and the perfect impression of both image and expression.
  E.g. TOEFL is a trademark for a standardized examination for proficiency in English as a foreign language.
  Having the similar sound of “TOEFL”, “托福”in Chinese can depict the students’ blessing and desire for dream about studying in USA.
  As is mentioned above, the transliteration techniques in EST translation are relatively abundant and systematic; however, some negative issues do exist in transliteration in EST translation, which has put or will exerted a heavy and negative impact on the introduction of new scientific discoveries and innovations, the knowledge of exotic scientific concepts and techniques, the understanding of new scientific theories.
  Firstly, many technical terms haven’t unified transliterated versions. For instance, “laser” is translated into “激光”and“镭射”. This is very inconvenient for scientists’ exchanges and makes readers perplexed.Secondly, there are a lot of random transliterations in EST translation. Some irresponsible translators overemphasize on the form, sound and meaning of Chinese characters to mislead the target readers. E.g. “university” is rendered into“由你玩四年”. Perhaps it is ok in literature translation, but in EST translation, it is just a stunt and flubdub.
  In conclusion, transliteration is an important and necessary method in interlinguistical exchange, especially in EST translation.Meanwhile, according to the previous EST translation practice and experience, a series of transliteration techniques have been concluded, which will be conducive to the development of EST translation.
  [1]The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language(4th Edition),Houghton Mifflin,Bostonthe.
  [2]Catford,J.C.,A Linguistic Theory of Translation.London.1965.
【摘要】中国古典诗歌历史悠远,诗中互文标记之多,不一而足。所谓互文标记,衍生于互文理论。它是指在文学文本中存在的连接该文本与其他文本的字、词、句等连接成分。毋庸置疑,这些互文标记翻译的准确与否直接影响着诗歌在语义或是情感等方面的传达效度。为此,本文提出了一些较为可行的翻译策略。  【关键词】互文标记 互文理论 中国古典诗歌 英译策略  【Abstract】Endowed with a prolon
【摘要】翻译理论研究经历了几个阶段的发展,译者的身份地位也随之发生了从边缘到中心的变化。本文简述了翻译研究不同阶段的译者地位,分析了建构主义角度下译者的主体性,并总结了在建构主义视角下译者主体性的特点,以期更好的突出译者的重要性,促进我国翻译理论和实践的蓬勃发展。  【关键词】译者地位 建构主义 主体性 特点  一、译者地位的发展  纵观我国整个翻译史,就翻译的主体性而言其经历了由边缘到中心的扭转
【Abstract】Professor XuYuanchong is one of the most greatest translators in contemporary China.He founds the“Three beauties” theories and has made consistent efforts in translating ancient Chinese poem
摘 要:经粉磨后的成品——矿渣微粉由提升机运至成品粉库中储存,并通过库底散装机送入散装汽车。本次整改的主要任务是提高发货效率,缩短发货时间。  关键词:矿渣微分;成品粉库;库底散装机  中图分类号:F426 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-7344(2018)24-0267-01  前 言  我公司120矿渣微分项目竣工投产之后,经过近3个月时间的生产,在发货系统暴露出一些缺点与不足,如:发货