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  Knock on Richard Wallace’s front door and you’ll be shocked—even horrified by what’s waiting for you on the other side. His home is so crammed full of rubbish that you have to crawl just to get from room to room. You see Richard is a hoarder—it’s a 2)bizarre obsession that’s shared by millions around the world. But what’s truly remarkable about Richard is how he faces his demons with a quiet dignity and a firm belief that life will one day be better.
  Richard: I’ve never regarded myself as a hoarder. I have always regarded myself as basically a collector who simply has run out of space. But when you start 3)clambering over things, and then you need step ladders to clamber over the pile, then, you know, it’s pretty obvious that it’s got out of control.
  Richard has long been an enthusiastic collector, but the death of his mother six years ago saw things really get out of control. For all this mess, all the 4)mayhem, Richard and his home offer an intriguing study into the human condition—what both mind and body can tolerate, even normalise.

  Reporter: Where do you sleep?
  Richard: Well, I sort of—in this—well, it’s a 5)commode actually. It’s a chair that’s there, so I catnap in that.
  Reporter: You sleep sitting up? You’ve been living like that for so long.
  Richard: Yeah, well, gradually getting worse and worse and worse, that’s right, yeah.
  Richard Wallace is one of three million hoarders believed to be living in the U.K., and millions more around the world. They’re people communities tend to find difficult to tolerate, often because their habit impacts on others. But resolving hoarding issues is not easy. When Richard’s mess spilled out of the house, then out of his five garages and into the garden, the polite people of Westcott decided they’d had enough—especially when the annual Tidy Town competition came around. The council took Richard to court to force him to clean up his act, and lost, much to the horror of many locals.
  Here in Westcott they decided on a simple solution. They built a fence to block the view. Up went the great wall of Richard, and in the process, so began a surprising relationship between this hoarder 6)extraordinaire and the local gardener, Andy Honey, who was brought in to build the fence.

  Andy: I started doing a few days with him and he sort of basically said, “do you want to have a look inside?” So I said yeah, and I was absolutely—shocked is an understatement. Words can’t really say. If you suffer 7)claustrophobia you couldn’t have gone in. And it was bizarre. People in Africa, in slums, probably had a better quality of life than his inside. And the danger, it was just—
  Nothing more dangerous than Richard’s cooking arrangement. The local fire brigade decided to assess the danger…and simply couldn’t believe what they found. Richard finally conceded that something must be done. So the town that all but shunned Richard, now under the leadership of Andy the gardener, began a colossal clean up.
  There’s no doubt this is a battle. Victories are hard won and hard to hold onto. Richard’s obsession means that for every little thing he’s cleared out, he only tries to replace the next day.
  Such is the ongoing nature of this 8)tug-of-war that when we arrived, more than a year after the clean up began, and despite 30 tonnes of rubbish being thrown out, there’s still a long way to go. But for Richard, it is significant progress.
  Richard: I’m a bit weak, and I can’t—If I can see any sort of a potential in something I can’t throw it away. It’s just a waste.
  Reporter: Will you ever be cured of hoarding?
  Richard: Cured, probably not completely, but I want to try and get back to being a conventional individual, really, but—
  Reporter: Normal?
  Richard: “Normal” in quotes, yeah.

  Compulsive Hoarding Self-Test II Your scores say:
  0-2: Although you may be occasionally collecting some useless items, it is not at all problematic.
  3-7: You hoard more than normal. Though you seem to exercise some control over hoarding, it is getting problematic.
  8-14: You are a compulsive hoarder and this habit seems to be screwing up your life big time.
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You sit and you stare and you wait and you wonder  You think: “Maybe it’s me and I’m being a fool”  You start to believe it’s a curse that you’re under  And you’re just a doll for a girl who is cruel 