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  It often takes a crisis, major or minor, to prompt people to change bad habits, especially when the change is time-consuming and anxietyprovoking.
  The other day, the drawer in which I store my swimming stuff jammed. When I finally got it open and dumped out its contents, I counted more than a dozen bathing suits (several with their store tags 1)intact), 12 bathing caps, 10 pairs of 2)goggles and countless nose clips and earplugs.
  Then I recalled the same thing had happened a week earlier with my drawer of pens and pencils, literally hundreds of them, half of which were dried out or otherwise useless.

  And I shouldn’t even mention my full-size freezer or 3)humongous medicine cabinet, where things fall out every time I open them. Or my floor-to-ceiling plastic bins of yarn, mountainhigh pile of Bubble Wrap, bags of plastic bags and shopping bags, and shelves of items I thought might be gifts for someone someday.
  Having just read 4)Homer & Langley, E. L. Doctorow’s novel about the Collyer brothers, who were found dead in a Harlem brownstone under more than 100 tons of stuff they had accumulated, I finally vowed to tackle my lifelong tendency to accumulate too much of nearly everything and my seeming inability to throw out anything that I considered potentially useful to me or someone else sometime in the future.
  Living in a three-story house with full basement made it far too easy to pursue this habit. I had plenty of storage space (and had filled every 5)nook and 6)cranny of it), but often couldn’t find things when I needed them, including clothes, books, articles, even frozen food I knew I had stored somewhere. Last year I found eight unopened jars of cocktail sauce in the back of my fridge; I had forgotten I had any and kept buying more.

  When a product I liked at the moment was on sale (7)graham crackers, lipstick, shampoo, 8)detergent, cereal, supplements), I often bought as many as I could and added them to already overflowing stashes. I’m often afraid I won’t be able to get more when I need it, a concern occasionally validated when a manufacturer discontinues something I like. But more often, I tire of these items and move on to others long before I’ve used up the old purchases.
  Recently, as if by fate, an advance copy of a book arrived in the mail that is without doubt the most helpful tome for anyone with a cluttering tendency. It was written by Robin Zasio, a clinical psychologist, a star of the show Hoarders and director of the Anxiety Treatment Center in Sacramento.
  Though it is not possible here to include all of Dr. Zasio’s lessons, here are a few I think are especially helpful.
  P e r h a p s m o s t important is to tackle just one project at a time and stick with it until it is done. “Start with the easiest, and be proud of what you’ve done,” Dr. Zasio said in an interview. Then gradually move on to more challenging projects.
  Schedule time for decluttering—say, an hour each day on most days, until you’re done.

  There’s no question that parting with stuff you’ve collected and thought valuable can trigger anxiety. But, as Dr. Zasio says and I have found, the anticipated anxiety is usually worse than what actually 9)ensues. Even if it is acute, the anxiety 10)dissipates if you sit down or do something fun or relaxing until it passes.
  I have particular difficulty resisting “buy one, get one free” offers, half-price sales and 11)bulkpurchase “bargains” in 12)big-box stores. Think first about where the products will go and how many of them you already have. These sales and bargains will repeat themselves, and you’ll get other opportunities.   Keep in mind that, like food and medications, beauty products have expiration dates, so buying more than you’ll need in the near future can be wasteful. “It’s OK to have one backup, but do you really need 10?” Dr. Zasio asked.
  In clearing my own clutter, I realized my late husband—who often asked me, “How many rolls of paper towels and toilet paper do you really need?”—had collecting problems of his own. I uncovered old cans of paint, picture frames and books he found on the street, all manner of wood, boxes of chipped crystal, every version of every song and show he ever wrote (he was a lyricist and playwright), and bags of our twin sons’13)memorabilia since preschool (they’re now 42).
  By cleaning out his stuff and my own, I will spare my children a horrible task when I’m gone. And when I stop wasting time accumulating, storing, searching for and moving around stuff I really don’t need, I might have time for a new companion: a dog.

She put him out like the burnin’ end of a midnight cigarette  She broke his heart. He spent his whole life tryin’ to forget  We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time  But he never could g
Feel like driving a car today?” I asked my son on the telephone.  Several minutes earlier, one of the local car dealers had telephoned and asked if I might pick up a new car in 1)Vidalia and bring it
14年前,茱莉亚·罗伯茨主演《现代灰姑娘》,18岁的达蒙为在片中出演一个只有一句话的过场角色而欣喜若狂;14年后,当年的龙套小子已经与昔日的票房女王平起平坐了——《十一罗汉》及《十二罗汉》,达蒙与罗伯茨是并列于主演栏的“巨星”。  2007年,称得上是马特·达蒙年,他的出镜率令许多好莱坞明星望尘莫及——先是7月26日在星光大道上留名,接下来《谍影重重3:波恩的最后通牒》独霸8月档期,票房轻松跨过两
You sit and you stare and you wait and you wonder  You think: “Maybe it’s me and I’m being a fool”  You start to believe it’s a curse that you’re under  And you’re just a doll for a girl who is cruel 
Knock on Richard Wallace’s front door and you’ll be shocked—even horrified by what’s waiting for you on the other side. His home is so crammed full of rubbish that you have to crawl just to get from r
1972年,好莱坞大片《教父》在电影界取得空前成功,时至今日,它仍是流行文化关于黑手党的最具影响力的描述。美丽的西西里岛与罪恶的黑手党的结合,不和谐却真实得残酷。  黑手党起源于意大利的西西里岛。今天,黑手党组织不仅活跃于意大利本土,更随着意大利裔移民散布于世界各地。他们的罪恶行径包括暗杀、非法买卖、妨碍司法公正等。  西西里自治区首府巴勒莫郊外那些田园牧歌般的柑橘林与柠檬林集中着黑手党的权力和资
多萝西·帕克(Dorothy Parker, 1893—1967),出生于美国新泽西州,成名于纽约,是女性历史上最富有成就的女权主义者,被认为是二十世纪初最成功的作家之一。1917年,帕克作为《名利场》的剧评员,发表了自己的第一首诗:《任意走廊》,这成为她人生中的重要转折点。在那里她遇到了自己的同伴并成立了“阿岗昆圆桌会”(又称堕落者联会),那是一个充满智者的著名文学圈。此会成立后不久,由于某些不
夜色带着寒气悄悄落下,让人心中不禁凛然。对着玻璃窗呼一口气,透过薄薄的雾气,窗外是模糊的流光溢彩,一如这城市般媚惑而冰冷。转身开灯,昏黄柔和的光线让人顿生暖意,若有若无的音乐如杯中深红色的酒液般轻逸地旋转,这一刻静谧而慵懒。  一杯葡萄酒,就如一段深藏的回忆,总在清冷的寒夜悄然而至。在这透明的色彩中搜寻过往的点滴,就连过往都变得优雅而美丽,所有的回忆中都飘荡起了微醺的迷人香气……  --小狐   
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With all the supply lists, school clothes and emergency contact sheets required before September begins, I can barely 1)keep track of everything I have to buy, fill out or turn in. The new school year